Learn Too Lookout Adult Man Novel Skillful Tool To Practise Portfolios On Educlipper

Educlipper, the pop educational bookmarking tool for teachers too students, has of late released a novel functionality which is that of creating portfolios from clipped materials. With this novel characteristic students volition survive able to compile their portfolios to document their learning too brand their learning materials easily  accessible.

Things that Educlipper portfolios mightiness comprise include :

  • digital content students clip from online resources
  • Files too documents they accept inwards shop inwards their computers
  • Materials they accept stored inwards their Google Drive, Animoto too Prezi..etc

Educlipper portfolios furnish a workable convass that students tin easily customize past times but using the drag too driblet functionality. I invite y'all to sentry the video below to larn to a greater extent than near how to utilisation Educlipper portfolio tools. Enjoy

Getting Started alongside eduClipper Presentation Portfolios from AdamBellow on Vimeo.
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