New Crispy “Peking Duck” Lettuce Cups – Faster, Easier, As Well As Better?

I was going to state that i of these days we’ll genuinely brand a proper Peking duck recipe, but that’s in all probability non going to happen. That takes multiple steps, several days, in addition to requires a identify to hang the ducks to dry. Most modern homes don’t cause got a duck drying room.

However, using this relatively quick in addition to elementary technique, nosotros tin make something form of similar, which many people would say, all things considered, is fifty-fifty better. Well, perchance non “many people,” but I would state that. These were really, genuinely good.

Regarding the Chinese five-spice seen herein; mine contained cinnamon, anise seed, cloves, ginger, in addition to fennel; but these ingredients tin vary. Believe it or not, despite the name, many incorporate to a greater extent than than v spices, every bit things similar pepper, nutmeg, orangish peel, in addition to cardamom, are too mutual additions. The adept intelligence is, for something similar this, whatsoever combination of those volition work.

If you’re non into lettuce cups for whatever reason, y'all tin too travel this technique for serving whole duck legs. The alone departure is, don’t cutting them up. Since this is something that tin last made good ahead of time, it plant nicely for large groups. Just only reheat, in addition to crisp upward the pare earlier serving. I genuinely promise y'all compass these a endeavour soon. Enjoy!

6 whole duck legs
1 tbsp veg oil
1 tbsp kosher salt
1 teaspoon freshly ground dark pepper
2 teaspoons Chinese 5-spice powder
3 greenish onions, cutting into large pieces
5 garlic cloves, halved

For the sauce (everything hither is to taste, so delight adjust):
1/4 loving cup hoisin sauce
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon hot sauce
1/2 lemon juiced

Serve inward lettuce cups, garnished amongst cucumber, greenish onions, in addition to sesame seeds.
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