New Savory Ricotta Tart – Sparse To Win

I got a nutrient wishing for a ricotta cheesecake recently, which sounded fantastic, but alongside bikini flavor chop-chop approaching, my dear handles too I idea we’d compromise too create a savory, sugar-free version instead.

I dear the uncomplicated combination of actually adept ricotta too fresh herbs, baked alongside exactly plenty eggs to concord things together. I was inward the mood for some heat, but things similar pepper too cayenne are totally optional. 

As I alluded to inward the video, I ordinarily create this every bit a pie, which comes out nearly twice every bit thick, but I wanted to crusade it inward tart-form too the pan I used was clearly also large. Next fourth dimension I’ll only double the ingredients, too add together nearly 10 or xv minutes to the cooking time, too I recommend you lot create the same.

Keep this humble pie inward hear when the “way also many vegetables” business office of summertime rolls around. This could endure a swell base of operations for using upwards leftover veggies inward a really fritatta-like way. I hope you lot give it a crusade soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for half-dozen sparse portions:
1/2 loving cup panko breadcrumbs, toasted inward some olive oil
olive petroleum to coat pan
2 large eggs
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp freshly dry soil dark pepper
cayenne or other hot peppers to taste
1/4 loving cup fresh chopped or torn basil
1 tbsp chopped Italian parsley
tiny pinch nutmeg
1 1/2 cups ricotta cheese
1 oz finely greated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese (about 1/2 loving cup if the existent stuff, otherwise 1/4 loving cup packed of the imitation “stuff”)
*Bake at 325 for nearly twenty to 25 minutes, or until set.
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