New My Mayo Method Steak Sauce Formula – Looks Similar Math, Tastes Similar Magic

When I take away a fast too slow sauce for grilled steaks, I dearest to role this kind of mayonnaise-based condiment. As I explicate inward the video, the basic formula is mayo + tabular array salt + spice + acid + herb. I don’t intend I’ve e'er made the exact same i twice, which is non surprising when you lot realize how many combinations are possible.

I’m non calling this aioli because it doesn’t incorporate whatsoever garlic, merely you lot tin if you lot desire to, since demo whatsoever flavored mayonnaise is called an aioli. That reminds me, this would survive actually practiced amongst garlic.

By the way, don’t allow the advert fool you; this is groovy on too hence many things too steak. In fact, making upwards a ramekin to operate on inward the refrigerator is non a bad persuasion at all. It makes a super sandwich spread, a stellar salad dressing starter, too a vegetable dip too hence good, it volition brand you lot forget how much you lot loathe raw broccoli. I promise you lot laissez passer this a endeavour soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for my Rosemary Harissa Mayonnaise:
1/2 loving cup mayonnaise
1 tbsp anchovy oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp Harissa or other hot chili paste
2 tsp minced rosemary
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