Steak Pauline (The Steak Formerly Known Every 2Nd Diane)

As yous may know, I haven’t posted for a spell due to the abrupt passing of my mother, Pauline. It’d been a tough few weeks, but she was the ultimate, “the exhibit must become on” kind of lady, too and thus that’s what we’ll do. She had multiple surgeries inwards recent years that made it difficult, too frequently painful, to motion unopen to her kitchen. Despite this, she’d soundless somehow grapple to bake a cake (or two), or build a big batch of cookies to choose to whatever identify unit of measurement lawsuit she was attending.

While cooking too eating amongst identify unit of measurement was her greatest joy, she too loved going to restaurants. Going out for dinner on Fri nighttime was 1 of our dandy identify unit of measurement traditions, too spell I don’t recollect having Steak Diane cooked table-side, this dish represents that bygone era for me. Looking back, I realize this weekly respite meant much to a greater extent than to her than just a brusk interruption from cooking and dishes.

Before I instruct into the recipe, I wanted to accept a instant to give cheers everyone for all the amazing thoughts too prayers I received during the terminal pair weeks. I’ve never met the vast bulk of you, but nevertheless, it felt similar I was hearing from hundreds of sometime friends, who somehow knew just what to say. There’s no tardily agency to lose mortal yous love, but your kind, comforting words, gave me strength.

With that inwards mind, I acquaint this incredibly delicious, Steak Diane, which I’m hereby renaming Steak Pauline, inwards my mother’s honor. Of course, there’s no official agency to attain this, except to only attain it, too promise it catches on. Even if it doesn’t, at the real least, many years from now, spell surfing the web, I’ll stumble across a recipe for it, too I’ll smile, thinking of her.

The physical care for hither is real straightforward, too relatively safe, except perchance for the exploding fireball step. As long every bit yous plough off the flame, too move along your eyebrows at a security distance spell igniting the liquor, at that spot shouldn’t move whatsoever existent danger, too all those Oo’s too Ah’s are good worth the risk. Hey, that’s what insurance is for.

However, the pyrotechnics are real much for show, too if you’re concerned, yous don't cause got to ignite the cognac. The alcohol volition soundless evaporate every bit the sauce boils, too the halt number volition gustation the same. By the way, fifty-fifty if yous don’t ignite the pan amongst a lighter, it tin john soundless flame upward when yous plough upward the estrus to reduce, too thus yous soundless demand to move a piddling careful.

If yous attain create upward one's hear to build this, I promise that to a higher identify too beyond calling it “Steak Pauline,” yous volition too bask it surrounded yesteryear the people yous love. While the flames inwards the pan eventually leave of absence out, the smiles they ignite, too the memories they produce, volition move amongst yous forever. I actually promise yous give this a endeavour soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 2 portions:

For the sauce mixture:
1 generous tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon tomato plant paste
pinch cayenne pepper
1/2 loving cup demi-glace (Or substitute 2 cups rich, low-sodium or salt-free chicken broth. It volition accept longer to reduce, but volition soundless attain a dandy sauce. Just move careful amongst the salt.)

2 teaspoons vegetable oil
two (8-ounce) beef tenderloin steaks, fully trimmed, pounded to 1/2-inch thick (top sirloin volition too move nicely here)
kosher tabular array salt too freshly solid soil dark pepper
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
3 tablespoons finely minced shallots
1/4 loving cup Cognac or brandy
1/4 loving cup heavy cream
2 teaspoon sliced fresh chives
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