Love To Bake Almond Rocher - Nutty Treats #4

As about of you lot knew, I won a baking contest late together with 1 of the gifts was a course of report voucher at Academy of Pastry Arts. At first, I thought, the voucher volition hold out wasted every bit I demand to go to KL in 1 lawsuit again to attend it, together with fourth dimension addition distance didn't look to permit.

Things happened amongst about twists together with turns... I managed to select grip of a course of report on a weekend where nosotros direct house to hold out inwards KL for a wedding. And it was the correct course, chocolate class. Of all the things that I tin acquire past times myself, this is the 1 affair that I really dare non attempt, Chocolate Tempering. It was an enjoyable 2-day course of report together with I learnt the most of import affair of all, how to temper chocolate. Besides that, I took abode amongst me half dozen delicious recipes, addition a large box of handmade chocolates!

FYI, that was REAL chocolate. Not the same similar the budget friendly chemical compound chocolate that I usually piece of job that tin hold out melted together with used every bit I similar it. Couverture chocolate is a flake temperamental to use, but absolutely delicious to eat.

I knew that 1 solar daytime I volition desire to brand them in 1 lawsuit again since they were delicious! But since this recipe came from a baking school, it's non really overnice to position out their recipes without permission, every bit this is their coursework. Just to hold out safe, I asked the Chef whether I could part them on my blog, together with he said, "Go ahead. What is of import are non the recipes, but the skills. People come upwards hither together with pay to acquire the skill, non purchase recipes."

So, hither is a beautiful recipe from Academy of Pastry Arts, but.... together with hence so sorry, I used chemical compound chocolate every bit I can't become couverture here.

Almond Rocher
Source: Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia
Makes: 60pcs

300gm slivered almonds
100gm rice crispies
100gm egg white
100gm icing sugar
300gm nighttime chocolate

1. Preheat oven to 150(fan)/170C. Line a large baking tray amongst baking paper
2. Mix almonds amongst rice bubbles, develop aside.
3. Mix saccharide amongst egg white. Pour inwards the almonds together with rice bubble together with toss to combine.
4. Pour this mixture onto tray together with bake for xv minutes.
5. Remove from oven together with gently stir it together with bake in 1 lawsuit again for about other 10 minutes. Repeat this step. (total baking fourth dimension : 15+10+10). Or bake it until crispy
6. Let the crispy almonds cool downward together with interruption them into small-scale pieces amongst a rolling pin.(just gyre the almonds amongst the pin)
7. Meanwhile, melt nighttime chocolate.
8. Mix the almond bits amongst the chocolate.
9. Spoon the rocher mixture into mini newspaper cups. Set it aside to harden (preferably inwards an air cond room)

I most wanted to halt later baking them to a crisp together with simply swallow similar that cos it's soooooooooooo delicious! The rice crispies gives it a beautiful compaction together with also reduces the 'sharpness' of the slivered almonds.

Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: