Love To Bake Chocolate Banana Boomerang Buns - Fruity Buns #2

Cathy! I actually made this, hehehehe.

Last twelvemonth (I made these buns concluding year, LOL), I saw Cathy posting roughly boomerang java buns in addition to I idea she wrapped them amongst a banana. She said I was existence imaginative in addition to I idea it would piece of occupation out.
And after I made the chocolate cream cheese buns, I brutal inwards dearest amongst the dough in addition to my mom gave me a bunch of 'velvet' bananas. They're perfect since these bananas are slim in addition to curvy!

I don't accept a proper cite for these bananas, but they are called every bit 'hairy banana' 毛蕉 locally. Velvet banana sounds nicer than hairy banana right? These bananas accept a pare that feels similar velvet, tastes virtually similar to the Berangan banana, but sweeter in addition to ligher inwards texture. The fragrance is also stronger. This is my mom's latest favourite banana. She has a lot of favourite bananas, ahahah!

Besides my mom who loves bananas, my kids are banana fanatics. My Lyanne is the biggest fan amid all my kids. Sometimes if 1 cannot wake her upward from her nap, simply pose a banana close her olfactory organ in addition to she'll popular out of bed. She prefers bananas over H2O ice cream in addition to goose egg soothes her from her cries ameliorate than bananas. Nowadays I don't purchase bananas because Lyanne can't halt eating. It's pretty scary. Too much bananas are non besides good, anyway, besides much of anything is never good. She fifty-fifty has a banana vocal that she shakes her torso to when she eats it. LOL.

Ok dorsum to the buns.

How was it? When I ate it piece it was hot, oh my! Soft squishy banana oozing out from a soft chocolate bun. You create the imagination!

But a few hours later, it wasn't every bit overnice anymore. Still non bad, simply that it doesn't brand yous consume amongst your eyes closed, amongst that fleeting floating feeling.

Chocolate Banana Boomerang Buns
past times WendyinKK

1 component subdivision Chocolate Dough
Bananas every bit needed
Mexican Bun Topping

1. Make the dough every bit per the recipe. Let it proof until double.
2. Divide dough into equal sizes (how much dough depends on the size of your banana)
3. Wrap each banana amongst dough in addition to pinch to seal the edges.
4. Let them proof for 45 minutes until puffy in addition to big.
5. Preheat oven at 160(fan)/180C.
6. Pipe mexican bun topping over the proofed buns.
7. Bake for fifteen minutes or until done.

Mexican Bun Topping

50gm butter
50gm icing sugar
50gm egg
50gm all operate flour

Cream butter amongst carbohydrate until pale in addition to fluffy. Add inwards egg in addition to cream it until smooth. Put inwards flour in addition to mix until smooth. Put the topping into a disposable pipage purse in addition to chillit for xxx mintues earlier using. Snip the goal of the pipage purse according to the size yous take away simply earlier piping.

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