Love To Bake Goji Soup Amongst Salted Duck Egg

We are familiar amongst goji berries or wolfberries. But create yous know that the Gau Gei soup are made amongst the leaves of the goji berry plant? It’s simply that the goji found flowers but never fruits here.

Goji plants are really slowly to plant. You tin simply purpose the stems of the ones yous bought. After you’ve taken off the leaves for the soup, tuck that stem into to a greater extent than or less soil, inward a surface area amongst expert light, H2O it twice a day, together with subsequently on you’ll direct maintain goji leaves sprouting out. Give it to a greater extent than time, together with and thence it’ll grow into a bush. My mom did that once, but it didn’t accept long for us to swallow off the plant : ) We were consuming faster than it could grow.

When I was 13, I did marketing for mom. Everyday she’ll say me what to purchase together with which stall to larn to. And two months after that, she no longer told me what to purchase together with I’ll create upward one's heed past times myself. One day, I bought these goji stalks together with the lady who sold me them told me, the soup is best made amongst salted egg, non regular chicken eggs.

So now, may I acquaint to yous Goji Soup amongst salted duck egg.

180gm goji stalks (pluck solely the leaves, discard the stems) Caution: Stems are thorny
1 salted egg (break the egg into a bowl, cutting the yolk into pocket-size pieces, set the yolk dorsum into the whites)
1 Tbsp wolfberries/goji berries
1/3 loving cup dried anchovies, rinsed
1 tsp oil
1L water
Salt to taste

1. Put anchovies into saucepan/wok together with set inward oil. Let it youngster for a while. Put inward H2O together with convey to a boil. Lower the estrus together with allow it simmer for v minutes.
2. Strain the anchovy stock. Return stock to pot. (You tin skip pace 1 together with two if yous prefer to purpose stock cubes)
3. Bring stock to a boil, amongst a ladle inward 1 manus together with the salted egg inward to a greater extent than or less other hand, pour the salted egg into the pot amongst the other manus stirring thence that the egg volition non clump together.
4. Now, gustation the soup. If it’s non salty enough, add together inward salt. Do non flavour earlier the salted egg, because yous won’t know how salty the egg volition be.
5. Put inward goji berries. Then the goji leaves. Stir together with convey dorsum to a boil.
6. Remove from estrus together with ladle into bowl to serve.

I wonder how create yous build clean those dingy looking salted duck eggs? Rinse the spell matter nether running water??? Or simply rub it off amongst bare hands??? I ever rub off the dirt earlier washing inward a "wanted to throw away" plastic bag. And If yous direct maintain a garden, rinse the egg there, thence that the dirt won't clog your sink.

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