Love To Bake Manok Pansoh - Sarawak Mff #1

1st attempt

Hello everybody it's the fourth dimension for MFF again! And for this calendar month it's Sarawak!
Don't forget to drib past times Yummy Little Cooks for final month's roundup for Melaka

For Sarawak, I'll hold upwards doing four tribal recipes, hehehe.

If i were to inquire the Ibans of Sarawak, what is the close famous nutrient from their community, they'll answer yous it's manuk pansuh/manok pansoh. Manuk is chicken in addition to pansuh is cooking inwards bamboo. The Bidayuh tribe volition instead telephone phone this equally "Siyok Buruu". I create know that cooking inwards bamboo is also practised past times other aboriginal peoples of the world, in addition to receive got fifty-fifty seen a similar "orang asli" recipe inwards the Pahang Sultanah's cookbook.

1st attempt

I receive got been anxiously waiting for Raya. I'm non a muslim, in addition to my swain muslim friends celebrate it. One of their festive delicacy is Lemang. And Lemang is bamboo rice. Lemang = bamboo, bamboo= pansuh, hahaha! I dear Raya :)

One my my hubby's employee, Kak Su owns a bamboo bush in addition to they create cutting in addition to sell for this festive season. I asked her to transcend to me those that are equally good brusk to hold upwards sold. She gave me v :) But earlier hers got to me, I bought two at the farmer's market, large in addition to fat, customized the length inwards situ because the Pakcik had a saw amongst him. Normally bamboo for lemang is 2ft long, minimum. Some fifty-fifty attain 1 meter long. And when this pakcik saw me buying, he got truly curious in addition to asked me whether I desire to brand a money banking concern amongst the bamboo I bought from him, LOL. I told him, I'm going to gear upwards amongst it. His eyes went big, in addition to hence did the makcik beside him. LOL.

1st attempt

I truly made manuk pansuh twice amongst two unlike recipes in addition to temperature.

First recipe
Manuk Pansuh
Hunter's Food
Method for baking : recipes/view.aspx?r=4316">

1 gratis attain chicken (850gm)
two lemon grass
half-dozen shallots
four cloves of garlic
Toe sized ginger (25gm peeled weight)
10 dark peppercorns
1 ¼ tsp salt
1 turmeric leafage (if small-scale role 2)

Cassava shoots for stuffing
Bamboo (1 ft long cavity, 3 inches wide)

1. Wash in addition to soak bamboo amongst water.
2. Chop chicken into small-scale pieces.
3. Grind/pound shallots, garlic, ginger, peppercorns into a paste.
4. Cut lemongrass into 2 inch pieces in addition to pound them flat.
5. Slice turmeric leafage into 5mm thick pieces.
6. Rub salt, lemongrass, turmeric leafage in addition to the glue onto chicken. Let it sit down for 1 hour.
7. Preheat oven to 130C(fan)/150C.
8. Drain H2O from bamboo.
9. Stuff the chicken into the bamboo in addition to pour inwards unopen to water, until it fills two inches to the top.
10. Stuff the bamboo amongst cassava shoots.
11. Bake for 30mins or until yous run across liquid dripping from the bamboo.
12. Pour contents into a deep dish in addition to serve.

1st attempt

I can't smell the bamboo. H5N1 chip dissapointed. It tasted similar ginger steamed chicken without whatever exceptional bamboo fragrance. I blame it on the baking for the lack of it. My hubby said this tasted similar a confinement dish.
The shallots, ginger or whatever truly smelled raw, tasted raw, although the chicken is overcooked (overcooked I blame myself because I didn't know how to run across the doneness in addition to cooked it for 1 threescore minutes equally read from this site ) My bamboo was dripping drops of H2O in addition to non gurgling, so I didn't know that's a sign.
You know how sometimes steamed chicken volition withal receive got its condiments tasting a chip raw fifty-fifty though the chicken is cooked. That variety of taste. The temperature only isn't high enough, fifty-fifty though I used a higher temp than what I saw.

Left: 1st attempt, Right: sec attempt

I wasn't real impressed amongst the get-go attempt. I knew what went wrong. And I made it unopen to other fourth dimension amongst the bamboo given to me my Kak Su. Smaller inwards size, so I used 2 pieces of bamboo to gear upwards for a meal. I also made unopen to modifications equally inwards I added carbohydrate to residual amongst the ginger, added chilli, used less turmeric leaf, marinated the chicken amongst H2O added in addition to close of all, added inwards unopen to mushrooms (refered here). I skipped the cassava shoot stuffing, I know that is non that right, don't shoot me for it.

2nd attempt

2nd Recipe
Manok Pansoh
Recipe source: WendyinKK

500gm chicken
50gm shallots
25gm garlic
25gm ginger
v inches lemon grass
¾ tsp salt
¾ tsp sugar
two bird’s oculus chilli
100gm oyster mushroom
1 small-scale turmeric leafage (6 inches long)
¾ loving cup water

1. Wash in addition to soak bamboo amongst water.
2. Chop chicken into small-scale pieces.
3. Grind/pound shallots, garlic, in addition to ginger into a paste.
4. Cut lemongrass into 1 inch pieces in addition to pound them flat. Pound bird's oculus chilli apartment too.
5. Slice turmeric leafage into 5mm thick pieces.
6. Rub salt, sugar, lemongrass, turmeric leaf, chilli in addition to the glue onto chicken. Mix amongst water. Let it sit down for 1 hour.
7. Preheat oven to 220C(fan)/240C.
8. Drain H2O from bamboo.
9. Tear mushroom into small-scale pieces in addition to stir into the chicken.
10. Stuff the chicken into the bamboo
11. Bake for 15mins or until yous run across liquid dripping from the bamboo.
12. Pour contents into a deep dish in addition to serve.

2nd attempt

I loved no2 better. The carbohydrate in addition to mushrooms added a to a greater extent than balanced flavour to it. I prefer the estrus from chilli compared to pepper. And less turmeric leafage was to a greater extent than acceptable to my married adult man in addition to less turmeric leafage also allowed us to savor other flavours better. The ginger, shallots in addition to garlic didn't sense of savor raw this fourth dimension in addition to peradventure the high temp baking truly did move wonders to 'sweeten' those aromatics. The overall sense was delicious in addition to prissy in addition to the aroma was agency better. 220C seems high, but to roast a chicken(exposed), yous create demand such a temperature to convey the chicken to aroma good, activate the "fats" in addition to larn the bamboo smelling good. It's similar a high temperature browned chicken prior to frigidity roasting does brand the chicken aroma a lot to a greater extent than heavenly, right?

Since it's withal Raya month, popular past times a lemang stall in addition to inquire for a slice of bamboo, larn habitation in addition to evidence making this. I've seen bamboo sections inwards Jusco equally good final week. Not certain if it's withal available now.  If yous bought lemang, peradventure yous tin recycle the bamboo :p

If I were to brand this again, I'll evidence it amongst daun bungkang (daun salam) in addition to run across how unlike is the taste.

1st attempt

I am submitting this to Malaysian Food Fest,
Sarawak Month hosted past times Sharon of Feats of Feasts
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