Love To Bake Online Periodical Giveaway For Ten Winners!

Hehehe, I guide hold to guide hold a cutting inward my intermission for this. Will last dorsum to my intermission later this is done. I guide hold a Yellow Party coming upwardly for Lyanne's fourth birthday bash. Busy busy busy!

Ok. Back to the biggggg matter.

I recieved an Email fromElinluv Tidbits blogging close it, in addition to thence alone I realised I almost missed this proficient offer.

So, who's Zinio?

Zinio is an online digital journal in addition to mass portal. They guide hold thousands of meridian magazines from around the basis in addition to yous tin browse in addition to purchase subscriptions or unmarried issues directly from your estimator or mobile device to read wherever in addition to whenever yous like. Their Explore section lets yous read - fifty-fifty without a subscription - thousands of articles from your favorite magazines in addition to portion them alongside friends.

So now, what's to give??

10 subscriptions for 10 winners!
Some subscriptions terminal for 1 year, some for half-dozen months, thence it depends on which yous choose!

All yous cooking in addition to baking fans... see, this is simply a modest amount of cooking/baking mags, there's a lot to a greater extent than on their website(This is linked straight to Food in addition to Cooking sectionalization :) The best is, nosotros don't involve to pay for postage, no involve to fly at that topographic point to buy, LOL. We tin simply read it at the comfort of our ain home, anytime, anywhere!

Bon appetit, Saveur, Donna Hay, Good Housekeeping, Taste of Home, simply to mention a few!

in addition to if yous don't desire cooking baking mags, well, guide hold other categories equally well, similar Automotive, Science Tech, Sports, Lifestyle.... lots! Just visit them in addition to browse through.

How to join??

Just browse through Zinio and larn out me a comment below this post close which magazine volition yous select to subscribe if yous are i of the winners.
One somebody i entry. (worldwide)
The entry must come upwardly alongside a name. Anonymous entries volition non last counted.

Closing Date: 29th December 2012 11.59pm (Malaysian Time)

Winners volition last chosen alongside Random Number Generator in addition to announced on 31/12/2012. If winners create non contact me inside 48 hours, I volition croak on them to myself, LOL. So, u amend lookout adult man out for the results.

But to those of yous who don't win this.... in addition to if yous desire to subscribe, last quick because they are currently running special offers. With discounts upwardly to 50%. Offer halt seventh Jan 2013.

Zinio is also running the My Zinio Holiday Sweepstakes where everyone who enters gets a subscription (this is inward improver to the 10 free!) in addition to has a adventure to win an iPad Mini.  Details here. Yes, everyone who enters this sweepstake gets 1year gratuitous subscription to Star Magazine. Unfortunately it's alone opened upwardly for those residing inward US. My United States of America of America readers, bring together in addition to savor the gratuitous journal :)

OK, I'm dorsum to preparing for Lyanne's yellowish party,... run into yous on 31/12/2012 for the results!

Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: