Love To Bake Peanut Rolls - Nutty Treats #5

This is roughly other process I made for my demo. It was such a coincidence that I made in addition to then much materials amongst nuts, LOL. Guess I went nuts this year.

This persuasion came inwards a abrupt in addition to I merged the persuasion of baklava amongst the pop CNY goodie that is the peanut puff (Kok Chai). Crispy fragrant pastry pare amongst sandy peanut filling. Ahh, Heaven for me. Baked rolls uses much less fatty than deep fried.and again, peanut amongst ghee is jibe made inwards heaven. Yaya, I didn't role phyllo, but popiah pare is nearly similar it... merely process it similar it :)

There are a few things to note:
1. Brush the ghee all over, thinly on i side, except for the egg launder corner.
2. Don't reason the peanut equally fine equally powder. Fine but non likewise fine.
3. Caster carbohydrate seems likewise fine for this, role fine granulated instead.(gula pasir halus)
4. You tin role egg white instead of whole egg for sealing.
5. Don't curl it means likewise tight, proceed the filling loose., but neatly tucked in.
6. Bake the rolls thoroughly, if not, they won't locomote crispy in addition to rest crispy.

You tin role other nuts too, if you lot like. Cashew sounds adept too, but peanut is really fragrant.
The filling looks free when you lot curl it up, but later baking it's ok. It volition loosen inwards the oral cavity equally you lot chew, but non the 2nd when you lot seize amongst teeth it open. If the nuts in addition to carbohydrate is likewise fine, you lot free the sandy effect, but all sweetness in addition to compact. Not equally nice, if you lot enquire me.

Peanut Rolls
Recipe source: WendyinKK
Makes 100 rolls

25 sheets frozen popiah pare (7.5 X7.5inches), thawed at room temperature
250gm toasted peanut, ground
180gm fine granulated sugar
50gm melted ghee (you may necessitate to a greater extent than or less) or clarified butter
1 egg, beaten (for sealing)

1. Mix reason peanut amongst sugar.
2. Cut each popiah pare into iv squares each.
3. Brush surface of popiah pare amongst melted ghee.
4. Put 1 tsp of peanut mixture onto the popiah pare in addition to wind upward similar a mini boundary roll.
5. Brush the transcend corner amongst roughly egg in addition to seal the wrapping.
6. Repeat stride 3-5 until complete
7. Preheat oven at 160(fan)/180C.
8. Arrange the wrapped rolls onto a baking tray in addition to bake for fifteen minutes or until lightly golden in addition to crispy.

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