Love To Bake Pratha Crust Salmon Pie - Salmon #2

For those of y'all who conduct keep dinned inwards Petite Millie, One Utama, y'all would conduct keep heard of White Truffle Oil Fish Pie. It comes alongside a unloosen crust made of puff pastry. In the pie, are pieces of white fish swimming inwards a puddle of creamy gravy together alongside shitake mushrooms together with fennel.

After having this once, I together with thence decided to conduct keep my ain version of this, borrowing the concept from Petit Millie.

I conduct keep read somewhere earlier that frozen pratha or roti canai tin endure used inwards house of puff pastry to comprehend baked soups. And it definitely a skillful persuasion since nosotros needed a circular slice of puffy crispy flaky pastry equally a unloosen lid. Cutting out this sort at dwelling is quite wasteful, I feel. So, a circular pratha is definitely the amend pick for me.

Somehow I don’t similar the sense of savor of fresh shitake, it’s rattling overwhelming at times, thence I ditched it together with used Portobello. Mini Portobello to endure exact.
I likewise don’t oven a bottle of any truffle oil, merely conduct keep a huge bottle of EVOO , hahaha, thence I volition operate that. Actually I conduct keep macadamia crude together with walnut oil, merely nah…. I’ll stick alongside EVOO. Love the color contrast.
And used salmon instead of a white fleshed fish.

Actually I tried to produce this using two methods. The get-go method is similar cooking cream soup together with the other method is to produce a roux first. The 2d method is definitely to a greater extent than sinful, merely it nearer to the spot.
Plus the crispy pratha… gawd. Your waistline volition abhor you.

Pratha Crust Salmon Pie
yesteryear WendyinKK

450gm salmon
1 bay leaf
500ml water
200gm Portobello mushrooms
1 fennel bulb
200ml whipping cream
1 Tbsp butter
1 Tbsp olive oil
Salt together with dark pepper for seasoning
Some dried parsley for sprinkling
Extra virgin olive crude for drizzling (EVOO)
v pcs of frozen pratha (I prefer Kawan brand)

250ml milk
50gm butter
35gm flour

1. Place salmon, bay foliage together with H2O into a pan. On medium heat, select to boil. Let the fish sit down inwards the H2O for v minutes. Fish the salmon out. Let it cool down. Strain the broth together with proceed it. When salmon has cooled, take the flesh inwards chunks together with discard peel together with bones.
2. Prepare roux. Heat a saucepan together with on medium depression heat, laid upwards butter until bubbles disappear. Pour inwards the flour inwards 1 larn together with stir it for 1-2 minutes, it should odour good. Turn off the estrus together with gradually pour inwards the milk together with whisk the roux until smooth. Set aside.
3. In a bigger pot/wok, melt butter inwards olive crude together with position inwards fennel together with laid upwards until fragrant virtually 1 minute. Then position inwards mushrooms together with laid upwards for unopen to other 1 minute. Pour inwards retained fish broth together with select to a boil. Pour inwards roux together with stir until smooth. Pour inwards cream together with stir. Season alongside tabular array salt together with pepper. Cook until gravy thickens slightly (won’t conduct keep long), similar cream soup. Put inwards salmon together with plow off the heat.
4. Keep warm until fourth dimension to serve.
5. Prepare pie crust. Preheat oven to 200C (no fan) together with lay the frozen pratha pieces onto a newspaper lined baking tray ( I prefer the night enamel pan for amend heat, Do non operate Silpat) Let the pratha thaw inwards the tray spell the oven heats up. Bake it for fifteen minutes on the 2d lowest rack until golden together with puffy.
6. To serve: Place 1 loving cup of the pie filling into a soup plate, drizzle unopen to EVOO, sprinkle alongside parsley flakes together with transcend alongside a slice of puffy pratha.

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