Love To Bake Almond Butter - Going Nuts #2

I never idea I could create this at home!
I idea I needed a Blendtec (see it blend an Iphone here)
But no, my trusty Panasonic could create it too,
Maybe non actually every bit smooth, but I tin select that.

My MIL loves almond butter. It is easily available inwards United States of America of America whenever she's there, but non here. This trip back, she told me nearly this too existence the expert DIL, of course of didactics I volition bear witness to brand approximately for her , Ahem.. *coughs*

I start tried making this at my hubby's aunt's inwards PJ. She has a Blendtec. Takes quite approximately movement too, scraping too blend, scrape too blend.

amount inwards jounce is from 140gm of almonds

Few weeks later, nosotros planned on a trip to KL again. I had inwards heed to brand to a greater extent than almond butter on this trip.
Then only hours earlier my adjacent trip out to see her, I roasted approximately almonds too tried making my own. In illustration it fails, I tin convey the ease of the roasted nuts to her household too complete off the blending. LOL.

Here's what I did.

I roasted approximately almonds at 150C (fan) until they start to olfactory belongings good. Not also much, the nuts volition dice on to chocolate-brown to a greater extent than after removing from oven. How long depends on how much y'all roasted, the to a greater extent than nuts the longer it volition take.

Then I did this...

When I constitute that I could create this amongst my trusty cheapo manufacturing flora attachment, I was soooo happy.
I packed upward the residuum of almonds, kept them air tight, until I supply from my trip, too brand to a greater extent than almond butter.

The adjacent twenty-four hours after I got back, I gleefully milled my almonds.
But too then I constitute out..... cold roasted nuts withdraw to a greater extent than oil. I was milling warm nuts on my 1st endeavour too used entirely 1/2 Tbsp of oil, compared to 1 Tbsp for mutual depression temperature nuts. No wonder the twenty-four hours when I made almond butter at the aunt's nosotros used 1 Tbsp of crude for every loving cup of nuts or perhaps fifty-fifty more.

Don't add together dear to the almond butter. I idea since MIL loves sweetness spreads, I tried adding dear land milling the almond. DON'T!!! The almond butter volition plough dry, really dry. I added to a greater extent than oil, but it's no use.
My MIL tried consuming the dry out almond butter, but it's to no avail, unless she eats them past times the spoonsful. It's totally non spreadable. In the end, I made cookies amongst the spoiled almond butter.

Beautiful almond butter that is for beautiful bread. LOL.

Like all nut butters, the crude volition larn upward the surface too the heavier nuts volition sink.
Stir it too y'all volition induce got a to a greater extent than fifty-fifty spread.

Beautiful almond butter for my beautiful daughter

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