Love To Bake Azuki As Well As Dark Viscid Rice Porridge - Bgr Calendar Week # Two As Well As Novel Winners For Giveaway

Recipe prepared in Dec 2010

During my sec trimester important alongside Reuben, I wanted to drinkable sugariness soups quite often. One early on evening, I simply wanted to pick out some, together with I wanted dark viscous rice porridge. My married adult man drove me to larn to a greater extent than or less pandan leafage from an aunt's identify together with nosotros went to purchase the ingredients. I got habitation together with prepared everything together with past times supper, it was ready.

I loved it soooooooooo much. Foetus Reuben must pick out been jumping for joy inward my tum to larn what he wanted. Well, I can't experience him notwithstanding that time, he was solely four months big.

Azuki together with Black Glutinous Rice Porridge
Recipe source: Wendyywy

250gm scarlet beans
100gm dark viscous rice
Few blades of pandan leaf, shredded together with tied into a knot
3.5L water
200gm sugar

1. Soak azuki beans for ii hours (in hot water) or better, overnight(in tap water).
2. Wash viscous rice together with soak for ii hours.
3. Put H2O inward a pot, position inward pandan knot, beans together with rice, together with convey to a boil.
4. Lower estrus to simmer for minimum ii hours, or until beans interruption upward together with form of disintergrate.
5. Bring estrus to high together with position inward sugar. Let it boil on high estrus for 10 minutes then that the rice volition unloose to a greater extent than starch.
6. Turn off heat. Serve hot or chilled.


Shu Han didn't claim it
An the novel winner is  Edith of Precious Moments

Marina didn't claim it together with the novel winner is WyYv

Echo didn't response together with so, Peteformation is the novel one.

Thank you lot all together with delight e-mail me alongside your addresses.
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