Love To Bake Spiced Cola Grilled Pork Rack - Pork Ribs # 2

When I saw pork racks inwards Tesco's Non Halal Freezer, I went woahhhhh! I must must buy!
Although these are non large racks, exactly in addition to thus improve in addition to thus none. It's non tardily getting these hither equally local butchers alongside their cleavers won't sell you lot business office of the rack (where it's meatiest!)

I've got two smallish racks

Cola is supposed to me a meat tenderizer. But my meat is non real tender, I don't know if it's because of the high sum of saccharide used (it could dry out upward the meat) or because my lazy butt took iii months to railroad train these afterward purchasing. I create promise to essay this out over again inwards the future, that is if I larn approximately racks again.

Any butchers out at that topographic point that needs advertising??? LOL. *I'm dreaming*

Spiced Cola Grilled Pork Rack
Recipe source: Wendyywy

1kg pork rack
1cup cola
100gm ketchup
135gm low-cal chocolate-brown sugar
1 tsp salt
two Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 cinnamon stick
1 bay leaf
two cloves garlic, bashed
two shallots, halved in addition to bashed

1. Put pork rack into a ziplock bag. Pour cola over pork rack. Let it sit down for 10 minutes. Then lay the balance of the ingredients inwards in addition to lock the bag, pressing out equally much air equally you lot can. Marinate pork rack overnight.
2. The adjacent day, lay approximately stone oil onto newspaper towel in addition to wipe roasting rack alongside the oiled towel. Place pork rack onto roasting rack.
3. Grill on 180(fan)/200C for 25 minutes, turning 1 time afterward 10 minutes.
4. Meanwhile pour all the marinade into a saucepan in addition to trim back the marinade to a thick sauce (mine was near one-half cup's amount).
5. When the 25 minutes is up, both sides volition await golden. Remove pork rack from oven in addition to generously brush sauce on the rack.
6. Turn the rack upwards over again in addition to generously brush on the sauce.
7. Grill alongside the same temperature for approximately other v minutes or until the surface looks bubbly.
8. Brush approximately other layer of sauce over in addition to repeat grilling procedure for approximately other v minutes.
9. Let rack cool downward slightly earlier cutting.

Line your pan alongside foil... because you lot see... all the drippings volition burn. You won't desire to scrub your knuckles off.

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