Love To Bake Apple Tree Crumble Cake

This cake, was made alongside an apple tree (yes, only 1 large Granny Smith) that has spent iii months inwards my fridge, hahahah!! FYI, it wasn't wrinkly, but nevertheless polish skined.
I only threw inwards any I wanted to brand this cake. And it was actually good.

Just 1 thing, the crumble was equally good little, but luckily I didn't brand equally good much equally it was sweet.
Feel costless to add together to a greater extent than flour as well as butter to the crumble mixture to mass up.

The crumble softens the side past times side day, therefore this cake is best eaten fresh from the oven when the crumble is nevertheless crispy.

Apple Crumble Cake
Recipe source: Wendyywy

80gm butter
80gm sugar
½ vanilla pod, seeds scraped
two eggs
iii Tbsp grated light-green apple
150gm all exercise flour sifted alongside ½ tsp baking pulverization as well as 1/8 tsp baking soda
100gm diced light-green apple tree (abt 1cm big)

1. Preheat oven to 160/180C. Line a 8 inch foursquare pan.
2. Cream butter, saccharide as well as vanilla until lite as well as pale.
3. Put inwards 1 egg, as well as musical rhythm out until it is good emulsified (it’ll hold back similar buttercream), scrape the sides , as well as therefore add together the 2nd egg as well as musical rhythm out for roughly other thirty seconds.
4. Put inwards grated apples as well as musical rhythm out for v seconds.
5. Put inwards one-half the sifted flour as well as musical rhythm out for 10 seconds, scrape the sides as well as seat the the residue of flour as well as musical rhythm out until good mixed as well as smooth.
6. With the mixer off, alongside a spatula, bend inwards diced apples.
7. Spread the batter onto pan as well as score it.
8. Sprinkle crumble topping on overstep as well as bake for thirty minutes until surface of cake is golden brown.

Crumble topping (Make to a greater extent than if y'all discovery mine to locomote sparse, of which is yes, but it’s only prissy for me)
two Tbsp dark-brown sugar
iii Tbsp all exercise flour
15gm butter
And a fighting of vanilla seeds from higher upwards (or substitute alongside ¼ tsp cinnamon powder)
Rub everything together until it resembles crumbs

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