Love To Bake Burdock As Well As Ruby-Red Edible Bean Soup - Soup Calendar Week #2

I accept two sticks of burdock inwards my fridge, due to a miscommunication betwixt my MIL as well as aunt. Both helped me larn burdock for my Miracle soup. But since Mike refused drinking more of the detoxifying soup later on getting dark stool, which was a skilful sign that it was working, I had to endeavour using the excess burdock inwards around other way.

My soup recipe majority didn’t accept a recipe for this, then when I saw site . Ohhh... I don’t similar pork trotters inwards soup, then I substituted it amongst pork ribs, something that I already accept inwards my freezer, But her recipe is non all that consummate amongst measurements, and I’ve measured out what I’ve used, then that yous volition know how much to set if yous desire to try.

Burdock as well as Red Bean Soup
Recipe loosely adapted from Retrenchee
150gm burdock /gobo (ngau phong)
25gm cherry dates
50gm cherry beans
two candied dates
500gm spare ribs
2.5L water
Salt to taste

1. Soak cherry beans overnight inwards mutual frigidity H2O or hot H2O for two hours
2. Wash burdock as well as slice, unpeeled.
3. Discard cherry appointment seeds.
4. Put everything into a pot as well as convey to a boil.
5. Lower oestrus to simmer for two hours as well as flavor amongst salt.

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