Love To Bake Encounter Mr R??


First of all, give cheers y'all for all the good wishes as well as describe organisation conveyed. I really appreciate them.

Secondly, I'm fine, move as well as kicking, fed well, resting good as well as everything's well.

Thirdly, sad for non posting Mr R's moving-picture demo for thus long. His advert is actually............ non confirmed, but as well as thus again, I'll even thus give out the gift according to the master copy intended name.

The winners are..................... *drum roll*

Elin as well as Mary Ng. Please electronic mail me for mailing address.

Reuben 尚文, that's his name. But my dearie is going to alter them, BOTH. Sigh, it's really encephalon cracking. 
I really loved Reuben, ever since I had Lydia, if she had been a boy, I would've wanted to advert her Reuben, which meant "First Son", but she is a girl. So, when I in conclusion got a boy, I wanted Reuben. But alas, few days back, I realized, when combined alongside his surname, he could move given a real vulgar nickname inwards Cantonese. Something that I really desire to avoid. So, had to settle for approximately other name. We even thus receive got  5 days to dateline to advert him as well as hopefully nosotros volition move able to come upward up alongside it.

Now, since he volition non move called Reuben, Let's telephone hollo upward him Di-di, which meant trivial blood brother inwards Chinese, until he gets his name.

Di-di was expert to me. The 24-hour interval I was supposed to move induced, June 1, I was dilated as well as having mild contractions(detected on the CTG), real very much to my delight! The doc wanted to flare-up my H2O pocketbook as well as set me on drip to create me. I told him, "No". Being a tertiary timer, haha, I knew what I want. I told him, I desire to await since I'm already dilated as well as contracting. And so, he alone inserted a tablet inwards me to assist alongside dilation as well as allowed me to wait...... it was 830am.

3pm, Doc came as well as checked my dilation, going on real well. He wanted to flare-up my pocketbook again, I said no! I was having contractions, every five minutes. Still bearable. I desire the hurting to like shooting fish in a barrel construct upward rather than come upward likewise fast likewise presently likewise quick for me to handle.

4pm, I told my married adult man to telephone hollo upward the nurse to give me Pethidine. The hurting seemed to move getting worse, as well as I'm non belongings it well. Nurse as well as thus asked me why I didn't allow doc to flare-up my pocketbook at 3pm but now. She said, it powerfulness receive got a long fourth dimension until I teach into labour as well as volition move inwards hurting for a much longer time. 

430pm, the Pethidine seems to move non working. I told the nurse. I wasn't groggy, the hurting is even thus the same.

445pm, I asked for Gas. Pain is getting stronger.

5pm, 8cm dilated. Absolutely groggy alongside gas. Midwife constitute that my membrane was missing, thus I receive got really flare-up my ain pocketbook sometime ago. Well every bit y'all all know, I was depression on water. How would I know. I wasn't moisture at all. I powerfulness receive got had it gone when I went to the loo.

5.21pm, Di-di came to run across the footing inwards his birthday accommodate alongside ii pushes! One force less than both sisters. He's 3.16kg, alongside his father's olfactory organ as well as lips.

June 6, I went dorsum for a cheque up, Doc said, "Wow, everything came thus polish as well as quick."
I told him, "Actually the few days earlier I came, I ate all the forbidden foods. Watermelon, papaya, fennel, as well as fenugreek, all foods that volition drive contractions."
Doc laughed as well as said, "No wonder y'all were 3cm dilated when y'all came."

Maybe it was a coincidence that I dilated. Maybe not. I was thus scared to move induced past times drip that I induced myself get-go alongside foods that are supposed to drive early on labour. To me, it's ok, since I'm already total term, thus what's alongside early on labour? I desire to become on labour!

Haha... so, that the story. I create non know if I volition teach complains on this article similar I did for mine on Lyanne's birth. I was told behind my dorsum that I shouldn't receive got written that on my weblog as well as it was unnecessary. But then, for those who said that, Ooooopps, I did it again! LOL.

Some of y'all powerfulness desire to know the sisters' reaction. Whether in that place is whatever sibling rivalry or jealousy.
There is none. They both love him to bits. Sometimes likewise much. Lyanne e'er desire to lay her caput adjacent to Di-di, rubbing her aspect upward against his. I but worry that she'll strike her caput on him, every bit she is famous for her "tit tou goong", which meant, steel caput kungfu.
Lydia volition e'er desire to send Di-di. So, I asked her to sit down downwards on the couch, firmly sitting deep alongside dorsum rested, as well as house Di-di on her lap, educational activity her to back upward him alongside her arms. But 1 matter I create worry is that she attempts to send him from his bouncer whenever he cries. 
But thus far, they both demo deep affection for him, which is great.

Both pictures taken the black that I came dorsum alongside Di-Di.
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