Love To Bake M Layer Tofu Amongst Miso Sauce

What's thou layer tofu?
It's genuinely a thawed frozen tofu that looks similar it has many many layers inside. The outer parts of the tofu seem to convey amend layers in addition to the within ones has tighter layers.
I didn't come upwardly up amongst this idea, only got to know most it through Wikipedia in addition to googled for to a greater extent than data on it.
You tin post away purpose it for steamboat, pan fries or what always sauces. I tried it amongst Miso sauce.

How to brand this?
I used a block of Japanese Style Tofu (not egg tofu) in addition to froze it. It looks yellowish when frozen.

Then, I thawed it over nighttime inwards the refrigerator in addition to it went all pock marked

Then spell it

Then I placed i spell on my palm, in addition to gently press amongst the other palm to take excess water

Then pan tyke it, in addition to conform it nicely on a serving dish. Dilute roughly miso glue inwards boiling water, making it a lot to a greater extent than concentrated than your regular miso soup in addition to drizzle it over the fried tofu. Top amongst sliced throttle onions.

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