Love To Bake Thin Pork, Oyster In Addition To Peanut Porridge - Rice Calendar Week # 1

I came across this porridge at Cheah’s blog. Before I saw her transportation service on this, I’ve already planned to laid upwards mussel, lean pork in addition to peanut porridge for sun breakfast. But then, every bit I saw hers, I can’t assistance exactly larn in addition to purchase myself to a greater extent than or less dried oysters instead of using mussels. And I was totally intrigued past times the fact she added inwards oatmeal to her porridge. Is that her method to repose upwards the amount of cholesterol from the oysters? Hahaha, I don’t know, exactly that actually got me interested.

Like always, I one-half laid upwards my porridge the black before, allow it sit down in addition to flower in addition to pick out it dorsum to a difficult boil the side past times side twenty-four hours for a breakfast. Only takes me fifteen minutes : )

You tin create this the green way, every bit inwards in dumping everything inwards the pot to boil. But I never similar bringing dorsum a whole pot of porridge to a boil the side past times side day. I ever always larn my manus in addition to arms scalded, due to the bubbling hot porridge. And when y'all reboil porridge, y'all can’t destination stirring, lest u larn a pot of burnt porridge agency earlier it fifty-fifty boils. So, if I’m doing this for breakfast, I always, ever create it broth in addition to rice separately to cut back accidents to my precious limbs.

Lean Pork, oyster in addition to peanut porridge
No-Frills Recipe

200gm lean pork, sliced thinly
three dried oysters
½ loving cup peanuts (soaked for 2 hours)
v cups water
i loving cup rice
6 cups water
¼ loving cup quick cooking oats
i tsp sesame oil
Good dash of white pepper
1.5 tsp salt

1. Boil oysters in addition to peanuts inwards v cups of H2O for 2 hours.
2. In to a greater extent than or less other pot, laid upwards rice inwards six cups H2O for twoscore mins or until it blooms. Turn off the estrus in addition to allow it sit down undisturbed.
3. The side past times side day, pick out the oyster stock dorsum to a boil, seat inwards sliced pork in addition to when everything has come upwards to a boil, seat inwards the bloomed rice gradually, making certain the porridge comes dorsum to a boil earlier the side past times side ladle of rice.
4. Put it on high heat, seat inwards oatmeal, in addition to boil it lid off for 10 minutes in addition to flavour amongst salt, pepper in addition to sesame oil. Boil until preferred consistency. Stirring all the while.
5. Serve amongst a sprinkling of sliced jump onions.

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