Love To Bake Apricot Huckleberry Rolled Upward Cobbler

This cobbler looked then cute. Anything spiral ever catches my eye. Anything that looks out of the ordinary shouts “Try me”. And I made this cos I accept a lot of apricots left from making my jam. I used blueberries as well as some cherries for colour, as well as color ever brightens upward my day.

You mightiness think, apricot as well as blueberries are almost at the terminate of the flavour now. Actually y'all tin produce this amongst other fruits, such equally plums, softened apples, pineapples, or fifty-fifty bananas. Or but hold off for southern summertime fruits terminate of the twelvemonth of y'all don’t desire to hold off for side past times side year. As ever I omitted the cinnamon as well as used vanilla. You tin mention to my recipe origin for the amount of cinnamon to live used. I also reduced one-half the sugar, cos my apricots are so, then sweet, as well as I believe 100gm is sufficient. Indeed it is. And I added some freezing steps inwards the instructions, then that rolling as well as cutting is a breeze.

You mightiness hesitate nearly pouring the syrup over a shortcrust pastry as well as bake it swimming inwards the pan…. Wondering if it’ll plough soggy. I was real scared too. But I trusted Peabody’s recipe. And it didn’t plough into a nightmare!!! The transcend was crunchy, middle was cakey as well as a brusque layer on the base of operations tasted similar pie filling. The sense is phenomenal. It’s similar eating fluffy cookie, cake as well as pie at the same time!!!! See the flick below.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 truthful true keeper as well as I’ll attempt this amongst bananas side past times side time. I’m certain it’ll live super!!! I want I could role cinnamon amongst the bananas… Or I’ll but inquire Mike to skip it as well as I’ll accept it all to myself, hahaha!!!!

Apricot Blueberry Rolled Up Cobbler
adapted from Peabody

250ml water
1 empty vanilla pod
100gm saccharide (1/2 cup)

180gm self raising flour (1 ½ cups)
1 tsp vanilla extract or seeds from 1 vanilla
60gm mutual depression temperature butter (1/4 cup)
80ml milk (1/3 cup)
60gm melted butter (1/4 cup)
2 Tbsp soft chocolate-brown sugar

Fillings (It called for three cups of berries, but I but used less than three cups, anyway, but live generous as well as brand certain the rolled out dough was spread good amongst fruits, amongst no empty spots )
250gm apricots
50gm blueberry
A few black cherries

1. Prepare syrup. Bring water, empty vanilla pod as well as saccharide to a boil. Turn off the rut as well as allow it steep until fourth dimension of use. This stride tin live done ahead of time.
2. Prepare dough.Combine mutual depression temperature butter, as well as flour. Rub until it await similar crumbs.
3. Put inwards milk as well as press it lightly to larn a ball of dough ball.
4. Put dough betwixt two sheets of plastic or baking newspaper as well as curl out to larn a rectangle (11X9 inch, I but rolled it out the size of my plastic cutting board)
5. Put rolled out dough into freezer.
6. Meanwhile, ready fruits, rinse as well as cutting small.
7. Take dough out from freezer. Peel upper canvass as well as identify it dorsum on. Flip dough to accept the upper canvass of plastic facing downwardly now. Peel lower canvass (now on top) as well as scatter fruits around, leaving 1 inch from both long sides.
8. Hold lower canvass of plastic as well as curl upward similar a swiss roll. Wrap the plastic canvass some similar a swiss curl for sale inwards the bakery.
9. Put curl into freezer as well as freeze for 10-15 minutes, to theater upward as well as relaxation cutting later.
10. Meanwhile preheat oven to 160/180C.
11. Melt butter as well as pose into baking dish (9 inch pie dish, but I used 9X6 baking dish).
12. Bring curl out from freezer as well as piece into 1 inch thick slices as well as adjust onto baking dish. (I cutting 12pcs)
13. Fish out vanilla pod as well as pour syrup over the dough as well as bake for 45 minutes or until lightly golden.
14. Remove cobbler from oven as well as sprinkle two Tbsp of chocolate-brown saccharide as well as bake over again for some other 10-15 minutes until cobbler turns golden.
15. Serve warm.

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