Love To Bake Lyanne's One Today!

Lyanne is my 2d daughter, born on this hateful solar daytime 1 yr ago.
Her nascence was God's planning together with thinking back... it actually touches my pump on how God actually takes help of everything for me.

I give thank you lot God for this girl, this petty sis to Lydia, whose kickoff words are non "papa" or "mama" or "nen nen" or "mum mum", only "No More", amongst actions roughly to a greater extent than :)

We did roughly early on celebration. My side of identify unit of measurement celebrated it on Christmas Day itself equally nigh of them volition live on dorsum that day.
I created a Light Carrot Cake for her... I'm non 100% satisfied amongst the outcome, withdraw to perfect the recipe. Something feels missing, mightiness live on the cinnamon. Need to detect a location to seat that in.


2nd Cake:
Celebration on Mike's side of identify unit of measurement was done on 27th Dec, cos everybody went or were inwards PJ that day.
Bought yesteryear pretty Aunt Iris, Golden Nugget yesteryear Secret Recipe. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 novel release, together with everybody that ate it flora that it is non equally tasty equally Secret Recipe ordinarily volition be.

Getting ready for the large blow..

As usual, Lydia wants to cause got her cutting tooo:)
Lydia, u improve permit Lyanne part ur cake besides adjacent year....

I would similar to cause got this chance to want all my readers,
Happy New Year
May U cause got a dandy yr ahead!!!
Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: