Learn In Addition To Sentinel Doodle Four Google Is Immediately Opened Upwards Amongst An Amazing Artwork Theme

October  19, 2015
Google announced today the outset of Doodle four Google contest for this yr nether the topic ‘What makes me…me’. K-12 Students all across the U.S.A. are invited to submit their artwork highlighting what makes them unique. The winner’s doodle volition hold upward featured inwards Google homepage too volition have $30,000 towards a college scholarship, too catch too operate amongst the Doodle squad on a see to Mountain View, Calif. Plus, their schoolhouse volition larn to pass $50,000 on technology.

The novel affair inwards Google four Doodle this yr is that it has non constrains on the medium. Students tin utilization a broad multifariousness of materials to pattern their doodles every minute long every minute they include the letters G-O-O-G-L-E inwards their doodles. The judges squad for this yr comprises professional person basketball game purpose instrumentalist Stephen Curry, astronaut MD Yvonne Cagle, managing director too writer BJ Novak, professional person soccer purpose instrumentalist Alex Morgan, Emmy-award winner Julie Bowen too animator Glen Keane.

'Submissions are opened upward until Dec 7. And for teachers, banking venture jibe out around classroom ideas too activities to larn your immature artists prepare to Doodle!'

Image source: Google Official Blog

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