Learn Together With Sentinel New- Google Classroom Starts Sending Out Notifications To Students

July 19, 2015
In a brief postal service published a couplet of days ago, Google announced the unloosen of a really of import characteristic to Google Classroom app for both Android in addition to iOS. Students at nowadays volition firstly receiving notifications near assignments in addition to novel content that is added to their classes. ‘For instance, students volition live on alerted forthwith when they have novel assignments or grades, notes from teachers, comments from beau classmates, in addition to more—allowing them to remain on move past times of their schoolwork fifty-fifty to a greater extent than easily.’

For those of y'all to Google Classroom, hither is a brusk video introduction to what y'all tin create alongside Classroom inwards your teaching. You tin likewise cheque our Google Classroom page for to a greater extent than resources.

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