Learn Too Spotter This Is How To Utilization Flipped Videos Past Times Adding Interactive Elements Too Annotations To Youtube Clips

January 27, 2015
In an before ship service roofing the best YouTube resources for teachers I argued that the educational potential of YouTube resides inward it existence both a gratis platform that provides a broad diversity of educational videos to role inward course of instruction too every bit good inward the powerful editing features it offers to video creators. In today’s post, I am sharing amongst y'all 1 of YuTube’s useful editing characteristic that allows y'all to add together interactivity to your videos.

Using the interactivity feature, teachers volition endure able to add together interactive elements to their videos to boost students solar daytime of the month amongst the  content of their videos. These interactive features tin endure annotations, links to other videos or external resources on the web, call-for activity buttons too many more. James Sanders has this splendid video tutorial inward which he explains inward a pace past times pace procedure how to upload your video to YouTube too add together unlike interactive features to it. I invite y'all to lookout adult man too percentage it amongst your colleagues. Enjoy.

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