Learn As Well As Spotter Chromebook Management A Detailed Guide

September 4, 2014
Following the posting of "Chromebook Tutorials for Teachers" mortal sent me this novel video tutorial from Google Gooru. The video is a niggling chip long ( 54 minutes) precisely is actually insightful. It provides a full general overview of Chromebook management through Google Apps. If you lot or your schoolhouse is planning to role Chromebooks amongst students, you lot should definitely sentry this tutorial.

As a refresher, hither are some of the things K-12 schools tin create amongst Chromebooks:
  • Scale access to the spider web amongst computers that are elementary to role too slow to distribute
  • Share devices amidst students, amongst no manual set-up for dissimilar users
  • Enjoy constant connectivity through integrated Wi-Fi too optional 3G, for always-on access without relying on schoolhouse networks
  • Administer machines throughout the school, no affair how many Chrome devices you lot have, or where they’re beingness used

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