Learn In Addition To Sentry Iii Slow Ways To Integrate Ipad Into Your Google Classroom

September 11, 2014
Now that the Google Classroom is officially released to all Google Apps for Education accounts, those of y'all using iPad inwards their didactics would likely live on wondering almost possible ways to integrate this novel tool alongside iPad. The video tutorial below volition conduct y'all through the procedure of how students as well as teachers tin role Google Class on their iPad to practise as well as plough inwards assignments.

The procedure is pretty unproblematic as well as is made of 3 primary steps:

  • Students role the suggested iPad apps to practise their assigned work
  • They thence export that operate to their Google Drive
  • They plough it to Google Classroom past times downloading it from Google Drive.

Here is a visual illustration of this process:

In this video tutorial, Greg Kulowiec  demonstrates this procedure using the next examples of assignments and apps students tin operate on:

  • Use Explain Everything to practise a screencast as well as plough it to Google Classroom
  • Create video content through iMovie
  • Use Book Creator to practise an ePub file or a digital file mass .
  • Annotate a PDF using Notability app as well as plough it inwards to Google Classroom
  • Turn inwards a written assignment equally a Google Doc using the Google Doc app.

Watch the video to acquire more

To acquire to a greater extent than almost iPads as well as Google Apps, EdTechTeacher volition live on offering a Google Apps & iPads Pre-Conference workshop at their November 12-14 iPad Summit inwards Boston where Greg Kulowiec volition live on the keynote speaker.
Courtesy of Edudemic

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