Learn In Addition To Spotter Smashing Resources To Learn Students Close Plagiarism In Addition To Citation Styles

November 7, 2014
One of my favourite sources for data as well as guidelines regarding referencing as well as citation styles is the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL).  There are also several other resources educatee researchers as well as academics tin describe on to hone inwards their interrogation writing skills. This page from Plagiarism.org features a plethora of first-class materials as well as citation sources that are all available online or inwards the shape of PDF documents , gratis to download as well as use.

Here are simply about of the examples of the citation materials you lot volition respect there. These resources are arranged nether 3 nous categories: Humanities, Sciences, as well as Social sciences.

  • Writer's Handbook: Chicago Style Documentation
  • Writer's Handbook: Chicago Style Documentation
  • Writer's Handbook: MLA Style Documentation
  • Writer's Handbook: MLA Style Documentation
  • Writer's Handbook: APA Style Documentation
  • Writer's Handbook: APSA Documentation
There are also other sections inwards the page that supply simply about useful data on a diversity of topics related to writing as well as plagiarism such every bit : how to paraphrase, how to quote materials, Definition of a footnote as well as bibliography, tools to check for plagiarism, as well as many more.

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