Learn Together With Lookout A Beautiful Sketchnote On How Teachers Tin Purpose Twitter For Professional Person Development

December, 2014
Twitter is a powerful  social networking tool alongside huge potential for teachers professional person development.  In a relatively curt bridge of time, Twitter evolved into ane of the best educational social networking platforms of pick for educators together with teachers. It has also acquire an essential chemical component division inwards teachers life-long learning together with a primal driver of professional person development.

In a recent postal service I shared hither a few days ago, I featured 10 effective ways teachers tin leverage the ability of Twitter to grow professionally. However, today equally I was wading through my Pinterest feeds I stumbled upon this beautiful sketchnote from Langtwiches on the same topic I covered inwards the aforementioned post: Twitter for professional person development. I liked this sketchnote together with decided to percentage it alongside you. You tin also banking concern jibe this  Pinterest board for similar sketchnotes.

Click here to access the master copy amount version of the sketchnote below

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