Learn Too Spotter Four Slap-Up Visuals On Connected Educators

October 10, 2014
Oct is the Connected Educator calendar month together with on this occasion I desire to percentage amongst you lot about interesting resources on this topic. As you lot know, connectedness inward this digitally focused historic catamenia is an essential element of your professional person evolution plans. The widespread of spider web 2.0 technologies together with the ubiquity of meshwork connectedness convey made it super tardily for anyone to plug together with unplug anytime together with anywhere they want. Being connected is non solely almost beingness able to easily access the web, it's rather together with to a greater extent than importantly, beingness capable of edifice together with joining personal/professional learning networks, connecting together with learning from others together with embracing the ethos of the collaborative together with participatory civilization of connectedness.

Here are about materials I convey shared inward the by for connected educators.

1- Interactive icon featuring half dozen tools for connected educators
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