Learn Too Spotter A Groovy Gratuitous Resources Of Reading Lessons For Kids

September 27, 2014
Reading Bear is a swell tool for helping kids acquire to read. Reading Bear integrates both vocabulary practise (over 1200 vocabulary items) in addition to phonetic awareness ( roofing dissimilar phonetic principles in addition to patterns of written English) into their lessons. All of these lessons are provided inward the shape of narrated presentations playable either every bit a video or every bit an interactive slide show.

Presentations are available inward 7 dissimilar versions. In the fullest version, the narrator sounds out a give-and-take tardily in addition to quickly, in addition to thus blend it slowly, in addition to live on (after an optional prompt) blend it quickly. As sounds are pronounced, the corresponding letters are highlighted. Then a moving-picture exhibit is displayed illustrating the word, exhibit a judgement (with the private sounds 1 time to a greater extent than highlighted, karaoke style), in addition to live on exhibit a video illustrating the sentence. Presentations hand this handling to roughly 25 words, though some direct keep to a greater extent than in addition to some direct keep less. The effect is a thorough withal painless introduction to phonics principles, spell at the same fourth dimension instruction vocabulary.

Reading Bear also has a comprehension banking concern check role afterwards each of the lessons provided. Students tin accept the quiz in addition to exam their comprehension skills through a matching activeness afterwards which they acquire to listen feedback on how they did on the quiz. Watch the video below to acquire to a greater extent than nearly Reading Bear.

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