Learn Too Picket X Things You Lot Tin Non Create Inward A 21St Century Classroom

December 12, 2014
One means to improve sympathize the concept of a 21st century classroom is through exploring what it is not. Unlike the numerous resources nosotros convey shared hither on the defining features of a 21st century classroom, today I am sharing something different. This is a visual  realized yesteryear Sean Junkins based on an article from Teachthought. The  visual  features 10 ways to mistaken a 21st century classroom. I paraphrased as well as summarized them for you lot below. While I actually similar this work, I do, however, convey roughly reserve on ideas inward expose six as well as 7. I don't intend they are properly articulated inward the visual. But soundless the gist behind the run is good communicated. Have a await as well as part amongst us what you lot intend of it.

1- Do Projects
Start your twelvemonth amongst assigning students big world-changing projects to run on.

2- Create a cast Twitter account
Create a Twitter draw organisation human relationship as well as showtime sharing trivial as well as mundane links on it.

3-Force collaboration
Push students to contrive collaborative work.

4- Video conferencing amongst strangers
Use unplanned, unprepared as well as random video conference sessions amongst no relevance to what you lot instruct as well as what your students learn.

5-Be dramatic
Make parents believe that students are learning yesteryear repeatedly playing videos such equally Ken Robinson as well as Shift Happens as well as creating a heightened feel of urgency inward class.

6- Buy iPads
'Get iPads to a classroom total of students pinching as well as zooming on trivial drinking glass rectangles.'

7-Make students blog
Force students to blog

8- Apps on apps on apps
Download equally many apps equally you lot tin till your iPad's storage capacity is used up.

9-Blend, blend, blend
Blend whatever the terms as well as no affair whether students convey access or the thinking habits to bargain amongst flipped instruction.

10- Add a column for "creativity" on every rubric
'Creativity is a 21st century currency, as well as the best means to brand certain it happens is to laissez passer points for it.'

 One means to improve sympathize the concept of a  Learn And Watch 10 Things You Can Not Do inward Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 21st Century Classroom

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