Learn As Well As Sentry A Expert Visual On Bloom's Taxonomy Vs Depth Of Knowledge

December 5, 2014
Bloom's taxonomy too Depth of Knowledge are 2 pop conceptual learning frameworks. They both approach the learning procedure from relatively unlike stands:Bloom's taxonomy look to emphasize the categorization of tasks inwards a means that corresponds alongside students thinking levels ( e,g knowing, understanding, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, too evaluating). Depth of Knowledge (DOK), on the hand,  shifts the focus from the production or cease upshot to focusing on the cognitive too thinking process. It extends beyond the what too digs deeper into the how.

Here is a beautiful visual I came across today on this Pinterest board  too which illustrates the divergence betwixt Blooms' taxonomy too Depth of Knowledge.

Mentoring Minds provides a gratuitous downloadable version of this graphic from this page.

s taxonomy too Depth of Knowledge are 2 pop conceptual learning frameworks Learn And Watch Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Good Visual On Bloom's Taxonomy Vs Depth of Knowledge
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