Learn In Addition To Sentry Things 21St Century Teachers Should Move Able To Do

November 29, 2014
Today equally I was wading through my bookmarks I came across this resources which I convey saved awhile ago. This is a nautical chart featuring what its writer called 21 things every 21st century instructor should practise this year. This nautical chart is created byCarl Hooker. I went through the ideas suggested hither as well as thought of providing yous amongst around goodness spider web tools to apply to around of these ideas. The tools I am sharing are based on posts I convey published inwards this blog.

Make certain yous read Carl's master copy article for to a greater extent than details on each of the 21 ideas featured inwards the visual below.

1- Post a inquiry of the calendar week on your classroom blog
Here is a laid of useful web tools andCarl Hooker. I went through the ideas suggested hither as well as thought of providing yous amongst around goodness spider web tools to apply to around of these ideas. The tools I am sharing are based on posts I convey published inwards this blog.

Make certain yous read Carl's master copy article for to a greater extent than details on each of the 21 ideas featured inwards the visual below.

1- Post a inquiry of the calendar week on your classroom blog
Here is a laid of useful iPad apps that yous tin role to practise a cast weblog if yous haven't already created one.

2-Participate inwards a Twitter chat
You tin banking concern gibe this comprehensiveCarl Hooker. I went through the ideas suggested hither as well as thought of providing yous amongst around goodness spider web tools to apply to around of these ideas. The tools I am sharing are based on posts I convey published inwards this blog.

Make certain yous read Carl's master copy article for to a greater extent than details on each of the 21 ideas featured inwards the visual below.

1- Post a inquiry of the calendar week on your classroom blog
Here is a laid of useful listing of educational Twitter chats as well as pick out the ones yous desire to participate in.

3- Create your ain cast hashtag
Here is a Carl Hooker. I went through the ideas suggested hither as well as thought of providing yous amongst around goodness spider web tools to apply to around of these ideas. The tools I am sharing are based on posts I convey published inwards this blog.

Make certain yous read Carl's master copy article for to a greater extent than details on each of the 21 ideas featured inwards the visual below.

1- Post a inquiry of the calendar week on your classroom blog
Here is a laid of useful good guide to assistance yous improve sympathize the concept of hashtags as well as how yous tin role them inwards your instruction.

5- Create an infographic equally a preview
Here are around Carl Hooker. I went through the ideas suggested hither as well as thought of providing yous amongst around goodness spider web tools to apply to around of these ideas. The tools I am sharing are based on posts I convey published inwards this blog.

Make certain yous read Carl's master copy article for to a greater extent than details on each of the 21 ideas featured inwards the visual below.

1- Post a inquiry of the calendar week on your classroom blog
Here is a laid of useful good tools to assistance yous practise infographics.

6- Make a cast book
These are around of Carl Hooker. I went through the ideas suggested hither as well as thought of providing yous amongst around goodness spider web tools to apply to around of these ideas. The tools I am sharing are based on posts I convey published inwards this blog.

Make certain yous read Carl's master copy article for to a greater extent than details on each of the 21 ideas featured inwards the visual below.

1- Post a inquiry of the calendar week on your classroom blog
Here is a laid of useful the tools as well as Carl Hooker. I went through the ideas suggested hither as well as thought of providing yous amongst around goodness spider web tools to apply to around of these ideas. The tools I am sharing are based on posts I convey published inwards this blog.

Make certain yous read Carl's master copy article for to a greater extent than details on each of the 21 ideas featured inwards the visual below.

1- Post a inquiry of the calendar week on your classroom blog
Here is a laid of useful apps you tin role to practise a cast book.

7- Google hangout amongst an expert
Here is Carl Hooker. I went through the ideas suggested hither as well as thought of providing yous amongst around goodness spider web tools to apply to around of these ideas. The tools I am sharing are based on posts I convey published inwards this blog.

Make certain yous read Carl's master copy article for to a greater extent than details on each of the 21 ideas featured inwards the visual below.

1- Post a inquiry of the calendar week on your classroom blog
Here is a laid of useful a guide to assistance yous sympathize how to organize as well as bring together Hangouts.

8- Bring augmented reality into your classroom
Here is a collection of around useful  Carl Hooker. I went through the ideas suggested hither as well as thought of providing yous amongst around goodness spider web tools to apply to around of these ideas. The tools I am sharing are based on posts I convey published inwards this blog.

Make certain yous read Carl's master copy article for to a greater extent than details on each of the 21 ideas featured inwards the visual below.

1- Post a inquiry of the calendar week on your classroom blog
Here is a laid of useful apps for augmented reality.

 Today equally I was wading through my bookmarks I came across this resources which I convey saved Learn And Watch Things 21st Century Teachers Should Be Able to Do
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