Learn In Addition To Lookout Adult Man Snapshot- A Non Bad Novel Edmodo Tool For Teachers

May 6, 2014
I simply learned most this novel Edmodo tool from Matt Bergman together with I desire you lot to induce got banking concern complaint of it every bit well. Edmodo has latterly released a novel characteristic called Snapshot which allows teachers to address Common Core standards inward their quizzes. To fix Snapshot, simply click on "Snapshot" epitome from inside your concern human relationship together with select the shape you lot are working with. Pick the bird storey together with and thence pick out the content surface area of the mutual kernel criterion you lot desire to address ( Math or ELA ). Snapshot volition automatically generate a laid of questions which you lot tin ship away customize every bit you lot like. You tin ship away click on whatever specific criterion listed on the left column to generate questions that align amongst it. Each pupil volition acquire a slightly dissimilar laid of questions. Snapshot also allows you lot to acquire existent fourth dimension information from your students when they goal working on their quiz. You volition hold upwardly able to run into how many students completed it, the dissimilar standards addressed, together with the give away of questions answered.

Watch this video tutorial from Matt to larn how to purpose Snapshot.

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