Learn Together With Lookout In-Class Flip Vs Flipped Classroom Learning

April , 2014
In the video below, Cult of Pedagogy explains the differences betwixt traditional flipped learning in addition to in-class flip. Here are about highlights from it:

Traditional flipped classroom:
Instead of using valuable cast fourth dimension delivering content to students in addition to so having them apply that learning at home,you pre-cord straight pedagogy in addition to accept students sentinel it at abode in addition to so inwards cast they operate on homework or the application part.

There are ii problems alongside this sort of arrangement: start is access. Traditional flipped learning is peachy when all students accept access to technology scientific discipline at abode exactly if they don't the flip tin flame autumn apart. Second, about homes are non conducive to the sort of learning that a traditional flip requires.
H5N1 working choice that accounts for the inconveniences of the traditional flipped classroom is called 'In-Class Flip".

In-Class Flip
Whereas a traditional flip depends heavily on things going correct at home, the in-class flip keeps all parts of the flip at schoolhouse hence ensuring that to a greater extent than students create goodness from the flipped concept. Watch the video below to acquire how the In-class flip works.

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