Learn Together With Lookout Adult Man A Cracking Tool To Assistance Students Appropriately Attribute Flickr Images

April , 2014
Flickr CC Attribution Helper is a dandy tool that students tin move purpose to accurately format the attribution of Creative Commons Licensed images flora on Flickr. With this handy app installed on their bookmarks bar, students volition hold upward able to properly attribute Flickr creative green photos amongst a unmarried cutting together with paste. Another proficient affair nearly Flickr CC Attribution Helper is that it shows users whether a painting present is licensed nether a Creative Commons or not.

Here is how you lot tin move purpose Flickr CC Attribution:

First brand certain the bookmark bar is displayed inwards your Chrome browser if non together with thus caput over to your Chrome's setting , click on bookmark together with choose " present bookmarks bar".

Now larn to this page together with drag the Flickr CC Attribution to your bookmark bar equally is shown equally is shown inwards this screenshot.

No when you lot are viewing an picture on Flickr, click on the bookmarklet you lot installed together with a pop-up window volition present upward featuring both the attribution HTML together with text equally shown below.

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