Learn In Addition To Lookout Adult Man The Xx Nearly Pop Ted Talks Of All Time

TED has latterly rolled out its listing of the most pop talks. The alternative contains xx TED talks that accept received the most viewership ever. Surprisingly, Ken Robinson's classic " Do Schools Kill Creativity " aired inwards 2006 is nonetheless at the peak of this alternative amongst ix 1000000 views this twelvemonth alone. In the 2nd topographic point comes the phenomenal beak of Dr Jill Taylor " My Stroke of Insight ". Check out the listing below to larn to a greater extent than virtually the other TED talks that made it into this year's transcend selection.

1- Sir Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity (2006): 23,510,221 views

2- Jill Bolte Taylor‘s stroke of insight (2008): 14,343,197 

3- Simon Sinek on how swell leaders inspire action (2010): 14,228,854 

4- Brene Brown talks virtually the power of vulnerability (2010): 12,703,623 

5- Amy Cuddy on how your torso linguistic communication shapes who yous are (2012): 12,682,694 

6- Pranav Mistry on the thrilling potential of SixthSense (2009): 12,068,105 

7- Tony Robbins asks why nosotros create what nosotros do (2006): 10,425,014 

8- David Gallo‘s underwater astonishments (2007): 10,266,221 

9- Mary Roach on 10 things yous didn’t know virtually orgasm (2009): 9,435,954 

10- Daniel Pink on the surprising scientific discipline of motivation (2009): 9.176,053 

11- Pattie Maes as well as Pranav Mistry demo SixthSense (2009): 8, 363,339 

12- Dan Gilbert asks: Why are nosotros happy? (2004): 7,788,151 

13- Hans Rosling shows the best stats you’ve always seen (2006): 7,685,726 

14- Elizabeth Gilbert on nurturing your creative genius (2009): 7,593,076 

15- Steve Jobs on how to alive earlier yous die (2005): 7,223,258 

16- Susan Cain shares the power of introverts (2012): 6,807,240 

17- Keith Barry does brain magic (2004): 6,371,778 

18- David Blaine reveals how he held his breath for 17 minutes (2010): 6,359,084 

19- Pamela Meyer on how to topographic point a liar (2010): 6,256,589 

20- Arthur Benjamin does mathemagic (2005): 4,951,918
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