Learn Together With Sentinel A Glossary Of Blogging Damage For Teachers Together With Students

January 29, 2014
Below is a pick of the basic blogging price that are definitely a must-know for whatever beginner blogger. The aim behind this listing is to deal teachers in addition to students novel to the blogosphere avoid those "awkward" lexical confrontations amongst technical price . Learning in addition to agreement this terminology volition absolutely deal you lot weblog better.

Post :
Blog posts are the principal content of your blog. They are the content you lot render to your readers inwards a chronological guild in addition to is commonly featured inwards the homepage of your blog. Blog posts are relatively brusk but non similar the i you lot are reading correct now:)

Headers seem at the overstep in addition to commonly stretch across the upper department of a blog. Headers tin incorporate text in addition to images in addition to their importance lies inwards the fact that they distinguish your weblog from others in addition to plough over it a unique feel.

Footer :
Footer is the department that appears at the real bottom of a weblog page in addition to commonly has dissimilar widgets inside it.

Widgets are sections inwards the layout of your weblog where you lot tin customize in addition to add together other elements. Most templates come upwards out amongst a widget-ready department either inwards the sidebars, header, or footer where bloggers tin add together extra content.

      Related : Why You Should Create Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Blog for Your Class.

Sidebar :
Sidebars are narrow sections or columns of your blog. They are  usually placed either on the correct or left the weblog page or on both sides.

This is a listing of other blogs in addition to websites that a blogger displays inwards the sidebar oh his/her blog.

Vlog : 
Vlog is every bit good called video blog. This is a type of weblog that is made upwards only of video posts. Any weblog that shares only videos is called a Vlog.

Link :
This is the chemical constituent that links a slice of content to another.

Permalink :
Permalink refers to the unique permanent link assigned to a weblog post or page.

Really elementary syndication. This is a method for syndicating the content of your spider web page. RSS makes the content you lot part on your weblog available for feeding, important that others interested inwards what you lot write tin subscribe to it in addition to start getting your updates each fourth dimension you lot post something new.Think of it similar this : i TV channel broadcasts a present in addition to it is shown inwards many other channels .

                      Related: Teachers Visual Guide to Setting Up aA Classroom Blog.

Feed :
This is the syndicated content that your RSS organisation generated for your blog. It is the content that subscribers of your weblog volition learn far their RSS readers or inwards their emails in i lawsuit you lot post  new content.

Repost :
Reposting is to post in i lawsuit to a greater extent than a comment, post or article that has already been featured inwards approximately other thread.

Plugin :
This is an application or improver that bloggers add together to their blogs to heighten its functioning or to plough over it novel functionalities. For event a social media plugin is an application that adds icons of pop social media websites to your weblog in addition to which your readers tin utilisation to either  follow your weblog or part its content on these platforms.

Template :
To exactly pose it, a weblog template is its layout, its visual representation. For event the template of this weblog is made upwards of a header, a correct sidebar, body, in addition to footer. Other blogs mightiness accept dissimilar templates amongst 2 correct sidebars, or a left in addition to correct sidebar...etc.

Themes :
Themes are what  give peel in addition to flesh to your blog. When you lot create your blog, the foremost affair you lot exercise is you lot lead a them for it. Themes are available for download , approximately are complimentary in addition to approximately are pro. Themes every bit good allow you lot to customize the expect in addition to experience of your blog.

This is a label or descriptor that you lot utilisation to position in addition to organize the content of a weblog post. For instance, the labels I would assign to this post are : blogging terms, technical terminology...etc

Category :
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 category is dissimilar from a tag in addition to most offset bloggers confuse the two. Categories are broader than tags. They are the topics you lot comprehend inwards your posts. Within these topics are several other sub topics ( tags ). For instance, this post falls nether the category of " blogging for beginners". Next fourth dimension when I post something nearly how to weblog I would every bit good add together it to this category. One proficient affair nearly categories is that that allow you lot to organize in addition to access content based on topics you lot comprehend inwards your blog.

Thread :
This is a sequence of posts or articles on a detail topic. Open threads are those threads that are opened upwards for anyone to post inwards them . Posts that are off-topic inwards a given thread are called thread drifts.

Captcha :
This is a safety organisation that webmasters utilisation to minimize comment spam yesteryear requiring users to type inwards a safety divulge or letters that seem fuzzily inwards an image.

Comment spam:
Comment spam refers to the snippet of text posted inwards the comment department of a weblog in addition to which is non related to the content of the post. The aim behind comment spam is to attract visitors to watch approximately other website whose  link is included inwards the text of the comment. These kinds of comments are posted either yesteryear existent people trying to promote their websites in addition to blogs or yesteryear spambots,

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is the coding linguistic communication that displays in addition to gives shape to the HTML of your blog. CSS has to exercise amongst the agency in addition to expect of your blog. You tin utilisation its attributes for representative to alter colour, font...etc.

Domaine refer :
This is the basic address of your weblog or website for representative the domain refer of this weblog is : www.educatorstechnology.com

This the secondary department inwards your weblog that is nested inside the principal domain. For event forums.educatorstechnology.com, or help.educatorstechnology.com, or www.educatorstechnology.wordpress.com.

Hyper Text Markup Language is a coding linguistic communication that is used to educate in addition to create webpages. HTML is made upwards of several tags, attributes, in addition to divs that together allow you lot to create anything you lot desire online including, templates, charts, tables, widgets in addition to many more. However, HTML is non the only coding organisation out in that location there are alos other coding languages that are to a greater extent than complicated such every bit Python in addition to PHP.

This is the whole address of the page, the i that appears inwards the address bar.

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