Learn Too Sentry 2 Smashing Spider Web Tools To Practise Visual Stories

March 29, 2014
Today equally I was working on a presentation on Haiku Deck it dawned on me to write upward this curt weblog postal service too portion amongst yous these 2 wonderful tools to piece of occupation amongst your students to exercise visual stories. Using these tools,students volition endure able to blueprint  stories based on a blending of pictures too text. For to a greater extent than resources too tools, banking concern check out this page.

1- Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck is definitely i of the best presentation tools of the year. It was initially available on iPad exclusively but since a few weeks agone Haiku Deck becomes available for spider web users equally well. Students tin piece of occupation Haiku Deck to visually narrate their stories. This tool provides them amongst a bunch of pre-made themes too templates they tin direct from. They tin also piece of occupation Haiku's paradigm library to search for images to include inwards their slides or upload their ain images. One  powerful characteristic of Haiku Deck is that it automatically resizes images too shrinks text to gibe inwards the slides then students volition non accept to bother amongst editing too resizing images. Stories created on Haiku Deck tin endure shared on pop social networking websites such equally Facebook too Twitter, or endure exported equally PPT files or endure embedded inwards weblog posts.

2- Projeqt
Projeqt is but about other wonderful spider web tool that students tin piece of occupation to exercise visual stories. With Projeqt students volition endure able to curate content they notice on the spider web too add together it to their presentations or upload their ain content too text to piece of occupation on. They tin easily upload too convert a PowerPoint, PDF document or batch upload many paradigm files forthwith to exercise a Projeqt inwards minutes. Watch this video to acquire to a greater extent than close Projeqt.

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