Learn As Well As Sentinel Splendid Math Interactive Timeline

Minds of Modern Mathematics  is an splendid iPad app that takes users inwards a journeying into the earth of Math. This is basically an interactive  timeline that tells the floor of how Math too mathematicians lead maintain shaped the earth nosotros are living inwards now. The floor spans a rattling long catamenia of fourth dimension nigh M years ago.

Here are some of the features Minds of Modern Mathematics provides :

Mathematician profiles:
 Discover each mathematician through a high-resolution portrait, detailed personal biography, achievements, related artifacts, too links to online data resources.

Explore 495 high-resolution images of artifacts selected too painstakingly retouched from the master Mathematica exhibit.

Original poster:
 View a fully navigable, ultra high-resolution version of the master Men of Modern Mathematics poster that has been proudly displayed inwards mathematics departments too classrooms or too then the world.

 Eames mathematics films: 
Watch nine master Eames educational films, experiencing these primary educators’ genius at making complex topics tardily to understand.
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