New Strawberry Semifreddo – Semi-Amazing

I used to say my students to never endeavour making classic desserts “healthier,” since your guests volition e'er compare it to the unhealthy, as well as undoubtedly far superior master copy version. 

And withal that’s just what I’ve done amongst this strawberry semifreddo, although, inwards fairness, that happened accidentally spell I was trying to brand the recipe easier.

Traditionally, we’d brand an egg custard for the base, every bit good every bit develop downward our strawberry puree to concentrate the flavors; as well as spell that does attain a fine, as well as much richer semifreddo, I wanted something simpler, that didn’t require whatever cooking. Besides saving time, as well as eggs, I intend nosotros too drib dead a picayune cleaner, to a greater extent than distinct berry flavor.

However, the toll nosotros pay for those skipped steps, as well as the modest sum of sugar, is a less polish as well as creamy texture. An extra rich, classically made semifreddo tin locomote quite like to H2O ice cream, whereas this volition locomote much firmer when frozen. That's why you lot actually attain involve to allow these warm upward for at to the lowest degree 10 or fifteen minutes earlier serving.

In the video, I described the texture every bit something inwards betwixt strawberry H2O ice cream as well as a strawberry popsicle, which reminds me, if you lot attain accept the molds, this mixture would locomote perfect frozen on a stick. Regardless of your delivery system, I actually attain promise you lot plough over this a endeavour soon. Enjoy!

Makes 10 Ramekins (mine were 5.5 ounces each):
1 pound fresh strawberries, rinsed as well as hulled
1/2 loving cup white sugar
3/4 loving cup plainly Greek yogurt
zest from 1 lemon
2 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon aged balsamic vinegar, optional
1 3/4 cups mutual frigidity heavy cream, whipped to soft peaks

For the crust:
1 1/2 cups cookie crumbs
3 tablespoons melted butter

For the garnish:
1 1/2 loving cup diced or sliced strawberries
2 or iii tablespoons white sugar, or every bit needed
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