Love To Bake Dong Po Pork 东坡肉

Mike loves pork belly.. whatsoever pork belly. So does my woman nurture inward law. I exclusively similar it if the obese layer melts inward the oral cavity amongst no obese smell.

There are many recipes online, unopen to requiring pre deep frying in addition to normally this is restaurant’s method to speed upwards the cooking. The supposedly actual agency is to slow fix it inward vino in addition to soy sauce… no extra fossil oil involved. I searched in addition to searched, in addition to constitute this recipe . Does this hold off good? Sure it does. But I intend she skimped on the boundary onions. The recipe called for trimming the sides to larn inward actually squarish or at least, bring at 1 time sides, but to me, that seemed wasteful. So, I didn’t produce that, merely allow it remain the inward master shape. Initially 1 should operate a clay pot to produce this, but I don’t bring one. So, I merely used a heavy based pot that won’t can every bit easily every bit a unmarried layer stainless steel pot. five ply pots volition survive fifty-fifty better.

The belly turned out then good. The flavour was good, real good. I didn’t add together whatsoever tabular array salt or additional seasoning to it in addition to it sense of savour absolutely good. Even when it was slow cooking, my woman nurture inward police pull exclaimed nearly the fragrance. Oh delight endeavor this, but delight bring patience for almost three hours of piece of employment :)

1kg (+/-200gm) pork belly, peel on (original recipe called for 1kg, but I exclusively bring 800gm, it worked well, in addition to I intend the seasoning volition fifty-fifty survive plenty for 1.2kg)
100gm boundary onions
50 gm ginger (weighed peel on)
500gm Shao Xing Wine (the 1 I used was fermented for five years, in addition to is to a greater extent than expensive than the regular ii twelvemonth former wines)
100gm calorie-free soy sauce
20gm night soy sauce
80gm chocolate-brown candy sugar(1pc) or stone sugar

1. Bring a pot of H2O to boil in addition to fix pork belly for five minutes. Drain.
2. Cut boundary onions into long lengths to tally base of operations of pot. Slice ginger in addition to sprinkle over.
3. Put boiled pork belly onto boundary onions, peel side down.
4. Put inward both soy sauces in addition to sugar. Lastly wine. Add unopen to H2O if the liquid marking is likewise low. Make certain the pork is at to the lowest degree almost covered amongst liquid.
5. Bring pot to a boil on high heat, trim to depression in addition to simmer for ii hours (flipping the pork halfway), or until it is tender plenty to survive easily poked thru amongst a chopstick.
6. Remove pork belly (no gravy) from pot in addition to set into a steaming dish, peel side up.
7. Steam on high estrus for xxx minutes.(This is a crucial step, produce non skip this)
8. Pour gravy (in pot) over pork when it has finished steaming.

It tasted every bit proficient every bit it looked.
The peel was soft in addition to melted inward my mouth
No obese scent at all.

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