Learn As Well As Sentinel Three Powerful Tools For Sat Vocabulary Practice

September 27, 2014
If grammer is the backbone of language, vocabulary is its flesh. Developing a linguistically rich repertoire of vocabulary helps students  command their language. It also provides them amongst various ways to limited themselves inwards writing together with ultimately enhances their writing style. There are genuinely several spider web tools that students tin forcefulness out purpose to review together with consolidate their vocabulary noesis ( cheque out this list to acquire more), however, today I am sharing amongst y'all  three learning platforms ideal for SAT vocabulary practice.

1- Professor Word

Professor Word is a keen spider web tool that allows students to ameliorate their vocabulary land navigating the web. It enables them to apace honor definitions of whatever give-and-take past times precisely highlighting it. Professor Word also helps students honor STA together with ACT vocabulary damage on whatever spider web page. This tool is available every bit a bookmarklet that plant on nigh all browsers.

2- Vocabulary.com

This is roughly other splendid website for helping students grow together with enrich their vocabulary. Vocabulary.com provides an array of materials students tin forcefulness out run on including give-and-take lists, SAT together with examination prep test, together with several other activities geared towards empowering students vocabulary  practice inwards all grades.

3- Flashcard Vocabulary

Flashcard Vocabulary is an online cartoon lexicon that helps students amongst their SAT vocabulary preparation. It allows them to practise over 500 most unremarkably tested SAT words through the purpose of beautiful visual cartoons. Each cartoon illustrates the Definition of a  SAT term.

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