Learn Together With Sentry A Practiced Ted Ed Video Lesson On How Languages Evolve

November 4, 2014
In this first-class Ted-Ed video lesson, Alex Gendler provides a historical concern human relationship of the evolution of languages.The overarching query Alex addressed hither revolves around the reasons why nosotros ended upwardly amongst thousands of languages when inward the by in that place were alone few numbers. To investigate this termination further, Alex started amongst the problematic of linguistic communication rootage in addition to stated that linguists are non certain whether the thousands of languages nosotros speak straight off tin sack live on attributed to a unmarried root. Next, he talked nigh some of the factors that Pb to linguistic communication diversification stating human migration every minute the original reason.

As for the divergence betwixt a linguistic communication in addition to a dialect, Alex maintained that political in addition to national consideration are of a determining element hither than linguistic features. The examples of Chinese linguistic communication which contains in addition to hence many dialects to the betoken of usual incomprehensibility betwixt some of them in addition to the illustration of Portuguese in addition to Castilian languages which are somewhat mutually understandable are provided. Another of import betoken covered inward this video relates to linguists' piece of job inward the classification of languages. Linguists, every minute Alex stated, exercise identify unit of measurement trees of languages based on the report of linguistic features such every minute syntax, grammer in addition to vocabulary. Phonology hither is non a determining variable because of the presence of simulated cognates in addition to borrowed words.

Overall, this is a skilful video lesson to part amongst students to instruct them nigh the rootage of languages in addition to how they developed to where they are now. As is the illustration amongst every TED-Ed lesson, in that place is a department for questions in addition to give-and-take that y'all tin sack travel to cheque students comprehension. Enjoy

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