New Bacon Cheddar Too Spinach Strata – We’Re Rocking The Breakfast Casserole

For such a unproblematic dish, I certain convey a lot of additional information to encompass regarding the structure of this beautiful bacon, cheddar, together with spinach strata. First of which, is the somewhat odd name. Whoever invented this recipe manifestly idea it looked similar layers of rock, known inwards geological circles as, “strata.”

I justice it form of does, together with likely would a lot more, if nosotros used a deeper dish, together with did to a greater extent than layers. Regardless, fifty-fifty amongst precisely i layer of filling inwards the middle, you’ll all the same live on looking at a gorgeous casserole, which should thoroughly print your brunch guests…bottomless Mimosas or no.

As I mentioned inwards the video, if yous desire something a lilliputian eggier, a lilliputian to a greater extent than quiche-like, precisely merely increase the total of egg custard used. As long every bit your pan is deep enough, yous could every bit much every bit double the eggs together with cream inwards this.

Speaking of the cream, this is a real rich dish, together with thus yous may desire to cutting the cream amongst milk. In fact, many people job all milk for this, but I create taste the extra butterfat the cream provides. As usual, allow your conscience live on your guide.

Above together with beyond that, this recipe precisely begs for personalization. I’m non certain what your favorite omelet ingredients are, but I create know they would run inwards this, together with run actually well. I promise yous give this a endeavor soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 12 portions:
1 pound loaf of twenty-four hours onetime bread, cubed
12 large eggs
2 1/2 cups heavy cream, milk, or whatsoever combination thereof
2 teaspoons kosher tabular array salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly soil dark pepper
pinch cayenne
pinch nutmeg
1 pound bacon, sliced together with cooked crisp
1 pound fresh spinach, wilted, together with squeezed dry out (or plenty thawed, drained frozen spinach to encompass i layer)
12 ounces extra-sharp cheddar cheese, divided (use 1/2 over the begin layer of bread, 1/4 over the spinach, together with the terminal 1/4 over the top layer of bread)
- Bake at 350 F. for 45 minutes or until set. Then broil for a infinitesimal or ii to brownish the top.
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