New Perfect Polenta – Dedicated To Approximately Fun Girl

Not exclusively is polenta i of the commencement foods I retrieve watching mortal cook, but it’s in all probability every bit good responsible for the commencement fourth dimension I always heard mortal curse. 

I retrieve my granddaddy standing at the stove, stirring a big pot of the stuff, too every in i lawsuit inwards a spell closed to of the thick, bubbling polenta would burp out of the pot too on to his hand. He would boundary dorsum too outcry something, which to my really immature ears sounded form of like, “hey, closed to fun girl!” 

Of course, years subsequently I realized he was genuinely saying, “vaffanculo.” I’ll permit you lot interpret yourself. By the way, i means to avoid the wrath of the molten mush is to suit your oestrus to hold a overnice gentle bubble.

Besides severe burns, there’s non a lot that tin dismiss instruct incorrect amongst this recipe. As long every bit you lot stir it inwards slowly, whisking constantly, too simmer it until it’s perfectly soft, you lot volition convey i of the world’s non bad comfort foods, too a beautiful base of operations for whatever publish of stews or braises. Enjoy!

Ingredients for four Portions:
4 cups H2O or broth
1 loving cup polenta (you tin dismiss purpose regular corn meal, but it’s non every bit like shooting fish in a barrel to run with, too the texture isn’t every bit interesting)
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp butter
1/2  loving cup finely grated Parmigiano-Reggiano

Note: if your inquiry is, “can you lot add together [blank] to this recipe,” the answer is yes.
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