Love To Bake Getuk Ubi - Kl Sel Mff #2

If it's non for a majority Shannon showed me, I would've forgotten well-nigh this yummy snack I used to cause got dorsum inward those autobus chasing days. I am non certain if they all the same be to a greater extent than or less the Pudu in addition to Kotaraya expanse equally I haven't been in that place for 10 years.

This snack brings dorsum nostalgic memories.

Back inward 1990's, I was inward my teens in addition to used to go to KL amongst my buddies, either for national score Girls' Brigade camps or simply for the sake of shopping for clothes. Sometimes nosotros cause got the earliest autobus out to KL inward the forenoon  and the lastest autobus domicile inward the evening... in addition to the journeying was at to the lowest degree three hours long, dorsum inward the days when those buses all the same halt for those long breaks inward Tanjung Malim. My KL friends produce detect our enthusiasm for shopping to live a fleck crazy, Hahaha! half-dozen hours of shopping inward supply for half-dozen hours inward the bus.

Sometimes nosotros store in addition to so much until nosotros forgot the fourth dimension in addition to had to run to Pudu Station to select grip of the autobus home. And these getuk ubi volition live our meals. RM1 for v is the cheapest in addition to quickest agency for a repast on a bus. But genuinely my friends in addition to I liked it a lot in addition to nosotros can't larn it inward Perak. Pudu expanse has a lot of these getuk ubi stalls dorsum inward those days. They don't exclusively sell getuk ubi, but fried bananas in addition to sugariness potatoes too.

Getuk Ubi
past times WendyinKK

350gm peeled cassava/tapioca root
80-100gm sugar
90gm grated coconut
1/4 tsp salt

80gm rice flour
20gm plainly flour
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1/3 tsp salt
150 ml water*
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp baking soda

*You tin supersede the H2O amongst sparse kokosnoot milk (30ml kokosnoot milk + 120ml water) for improve aroma

1. Steam the cassava rootage until soft (poke it amongst a chopstick in addition to it's through).
2. Mash the cassava spell it's pipe hot (I used the mitt mixer). Discard fibrous bits.
3. Put inward sugar, common salt in addition to grated kokosnoot in addition to mix until good combined. Taste it in addition to add together to a greater extent than saccharide if preferred
4. Roll them into balls. (I made mine into lime sized balls, but those sold was 30% bigger).
5. Combine the ingredients for batter.
6. Heat some stone oil for deep frying. Use medium heat.
7. Dip each ball into the batter in addition to youngster until a crust forms in addition to y'all tin run into some of the cassava trying to flare-up out.

I'm submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest KL Selangor Month hosted past times Shannon of Just equally Delish
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