Love To Bake Gon Jin Ha Await @ Cantonese Pan Fried Prawns 干煎虾碌 - Hee Hee Ha Ha #1

I learnt to gear upwardly this dish from my belatedly third uncle.
Every twelvemonth he volition gear upwardly this dish for us on the outset twenty-four hours of Chinese New Year. It's been v years since I finally had it from him.

Men from my menage unit of measurement had expert cooking skills. My blood brother tin gear upwardly too, but he doesn't create it often. Whenever my granddaddy steps into the kitchen, all the women exclusively becomes assistants. Same goes to my slap-up granddaddy who was a traditional bakery who also roasts his ain coffee.

I know in that place are many ways to gear upwardly this dish, but this is the agency that I similar it. Dry, smoky, viscous together with fragrant.I finally managed to acquire it similar how my uncle Kok Choong did it. I'm happy amongst this dish.

Sometimes, nosotros may say, only gear upwardly it anyway, there's no require to confine oneself, together with nosotros tin ever brand novel dishes. Yes, that is true, but in that place are also times when nosotros require to laid a criterion to adhere to. Not to tell the criterion must endure high, but in that place is a sense of savour nosotros want, a fragrance nosotros yearn together with a flavor nosotros miss. It volition exclusively endure correct if this dish is only the agency I had it, to remind me of third uncle, my Sam Sook.

Cantonese Pan Fried Prawns (Kon Jeen Ha Look) 干煎虾碌
Recreated past times WendyinKK
Source: Yip Kok Choong

1kg large prawns, the bigger the amend : )

two shallots, finely chopped
three cloves of garlic, finely chopped
1 blood-red chilli, finely chopped
1 dark-green chilli, finely chopped
1 stem trammel onion, white together with dark-green separated, together with thinly sliced

100gm ketchup
20gm premium oyster sauce
1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp sugar

1. Wash together with drip dry out the prawns. Trim prawns past times snipping off their eyes together with long legs. Snip the dorsum amongst pair of scissors together with withdraw the intestine. Do non withdraw the shells.
2. Combine all gravy ingredients inward a bowl together with laid aside.
3. Heat wok until really hot together with pose inward two Tbsp of oil. Put inward a few prawns together with hand the prawns a quick sear on both sides (about 5- 10 secs on each side, depending on the intensity of the stove). Dish upwardly the seared prawns
4. Put inward Tbsp of crude together with sear a few more. Repeat the searing until all prawns are seared.
5. With remaining crude inward wok (add to a greater extent than if likewise little, yous require nearly 2- three Tbsp to hand the prawns a dainty coating later), on high estrus gear upwardly garlic together with shallots until fragrant. Put inward both chillies, white parts of onion together with gear upwardly until everything is really fragrant.
6. Return prawns to wok together with pose inward prepared gravy. Toss everything to coat together with gear upwardly until the gravy coats the prawn well. Put inward dark-green parts of trammel onion. Toss together with dish up.

*If the kitchen turns smoky... you've got it all right!

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