Love To Bake Ho-Hum Cooker Dearest Sesame Chicken

My goodness.

This recipe was dynamite, too I mean value I earned 100 hot-wife points for making it. The chicken melted inwards our mouths, too it required no endeavor any to throw the ingredients together. I mean value Ryan cried when he took his starting fourth dimension bite.

Okay, possibly non 'cried'.... but you lot larn the picture.

I actually love my crock pot. I bring a smaller one, too a giant mother-load one. We unremarkably purpose the smaller i (there's solely ii of us), unless I'm making soup or something. Why oestrus upwards the giant crock pot for a duo chicken breasts? That's why I bring the smaller one. (Also it's nifty for hot wassail inwards the wintertime). Also, i time again, instead of white rice, I used the remainder of our brownish rice. My mom gave me a wonderful rice cooker when I was inwards college, too I LOVE it. I merely pour inwards the rice too water, too allow it practice it's thing. Oh how cute it looked side past times side to my pocket-size crock pot. Such an splendid squad they were for this dish.

We solely had a duo chicken breasts, but I made the recipe every bit is (thinking we'd bring extra sauce at the destination - too I was right). Those ii chicken breasts went a long way, too nosotros ended upwards amongst some yummy leftovers for tiffin today.

Now, the recipe calls for ONE CUP of honey.... yikes. It sounded pretty extreme, hence I solely used about 3/4 cup. It tasted merely fine that way. I love it when meat recipes calls for dear too soy sauce - it makes for such a delicious, savory taste.

I mean value side past times side fourth dimension nosotros brand this, I desire to serve this amongst some steamed veggies - it desperately needed a vegetable, too the plate needed some color. Other than that, I mean value this recipe was a consummate success, too I can't hold off to larn inwards again. I works life this recipe here via Pinterest.


"Slow Cooker Honey Sesame Chicken

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (thighs would live on fine too)
Salt too pepper
1 loving cup honey
1/2 loving cup soy sauce
1/2 loving cup diced onion
1/4 loving cup ketchup
2 tablespoons vegetable stone oil (could also purpose olive stone oil or canola oil)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 teaspoon crimson pepper flakes (optional - doesn't actually add together heat, merely adds to a greater extent than flavor)
four teaspoons cornstarch dissolved inwards 6 Tablespoons water
Sesame seeds

Season both sides of chicken amongst lightly amongst common salt too pepper, position into crock pot. In a pocket-size bowl, combine honey, soy sauce, onion, ketchup, oil, garlic too pepper flakes. Pour over chicken. Cook on depression for 3-4 hours or on high 1 1/2 – 2 1/2 hours, or merely until chicken is cooked through. Remove chicken from crock pot, run out sauce. Dissolve four teaspoons of cornstarch inwards 6 tablespoons of H2O too pour into crock pot. Stir to combine amongst sauce. Replace lid too create sauce on high for x to a greater extent than minutes or until slightly thickened. Cut chicken into seize amongst teeth size pieces, too hence provide to pot too toss amongst sauce earlier serving. Sprinkle amongst sesame seeds too serve over rice or noodles."

Recipe too Pic Source:
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